View Full Version : ..."A serious error has occurred...."when dimension the same view

2010-09-29, 01:48 PM
We've run into a little glitch with Revit. When we try to dimension a section view we get the error warning sign regardless in which file we do it (locar or central) . This problems persist even when restart the project or create a new locar file. We will lose at least two days of work if we create a new section, so I hope someone has a solution for this.

2010-09-29, 02:18 PM
Curious... Whats in the section that you will lose two days work?

Ive run in to that with a few views, where something corrupted it. Sometimes an Audit fixes it, sometimes it doesnt. Almost always i can isolate the issue as something IN the section view, but a few times ive had views just "go to s**t" and ive had to delete them. But i create a new one, and copy all of the detailing, tags, Edit Cut Profiles, callouts, etc... over, and generally the whole thing takes less than ten minutes.

Of course, if its my first thought, and its something IN that view... Youll just be copying it in to another view...

2010-09-30, 02:56 PM
This happens to me in the project I'm currently working on. I'm pretty sure it happens when the section cut is not EXACTLY perpendicular to the object that you're trying to dimension. Because if I redrew the section and made sure it snapped to perpendicular to the object the dimesions work just fine. That and continuing without saving a recovery file works...it's just a dimension thing. At least it was for me.

cliff collins
2010-09-30, 04:19 PM
I'd agree with the other post that it could be because the view is slightly off perpendicular
and the dimension function causes a crash.

Try this:

1. Create a new section, but this time draw a reference plane so you can rotate the section mark and snap it to the ref. plane so you are certain it's perpendicular.

2. Copy all the annotation, etc. except the dimensions from the problematic section
view into the new section view.

3. Then dimension the new section, and delete the old one.


2010-11-10, 09:22 PM
I would like to add to this thread. I am experiencing the same problem. I have optioned to create new, delete old, and audit with no success. In greater detail, I have created new sections utilizing reference planes in perfect relation to perpendicular elements and grids with the same resulting error. I believe this is in program code and needs to be send to Autodesk. My only solution at this point is to duplicate the working sections that are already in the orientation needed and reposition.

2010-11-10, 11:19 PM
This would happen to me as well,
it happened when my section wasn't 100% square with the items I was trying to dimension.

even when I rotated the section line, I would still get errors and crashing.

The most concrete solution is to recreate the view, and copy over your annotations and notes.

I then didn't have troubles like that anymore.