View Full Version : Family displaying oddly

Bryan Thatcher
2010-09-29, 08:37 PM
I have a family that is displaying an overridden line type strangely. The three pile caps along the top aren't showing the line type because they are too close to the grade beams. You can see the one that's straddling the wall has the line type interrupted because it's adjacent to the grade beam. The one on the bottom is displaying as intended. Has anyone else ever seen anything like this? By the way, if I change the line type to 1/4 from 1/8th it will show up. But if I change it from 1/8 to 1/16th, it will remain hidden.

2010-09-30, 09:12 AM
The pile cap that is 'straddling' the wall has a solid line where it meets the beam because the pile cap is deeper than the beam. (I assume it is deeper?)

So Revit automatically shows the line as a solid to indicate the difference in depth / thickness between the two foundation elements.

Bryan Thatcher
2010-09-30, 01:52 PM
Then how do I force the line type on the three that are showing solid between the two grade beams. They are showing solid at the grade beams for the same reason but the line type is being forced to the rest because they are so close. Thanks.