View Full Version : Is this a bug?

2010-10-01, 08:42 PM
In the family editor, after finishing and saving a void sweep, I went back to the model and found that the sweep prompts were still in the toolbar . Nothing seems to clear it except exiting Revit and restarting. I'm using 2011, 64 bit.

Did I do something wrong?

2010-10-02, 03:03 AM
You should report to Support. I saw something similar "a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away."

2010-10-02, 12:29 PM
I get this all the time, I've learnt to deal with it as it seems to only rename the modify toolbar.
Robert your post makes no sense, I would think that anything to do with star wars would be things to come, since they were ahead of us :)
I can't really submit a bug since it is only an nuisance not a killer.

2010-10-02, 01:34 PM
Well, you can always submit things and the factory will make the final determination. If you can reproduce it, and provide those steps to the Factory that makes them even happier. By chance are you both using un-supported video hardware? Laptops? As I said, I've seen this before, but not since I installed the version of 2011 that was released in April.

2010-10-02, 01:55 PM
Yep we run gtx nvidia hence why I haven't bothered sending a request.

Although sometimes these video card errors are really revit issues.

For instance I had an architect give me a file that wouldn't draw a floor plan. I hid all the elements and dissected it down to a line type that was bring used that had a space of 6mm but on the plan 1:100 they were drawing 25mm lines with it. The response was it's the 3d turn it off, which I replied with a solution that the issue goes away if the line is long enough to support the line type.

I wonder where this problem lies really. Having "supported" hardware is really z get out of jail free for not having to prove solutions. Like the instance above autodesk would have said it's a video card unsupported issue which it is, in terms of turning of 3d will cure the issue. However digging deeper you can find errors that the hardware has some fix for which shouldn't exist in the the first place.

2010-10-03, 05:45 AM
Were getting the same occurance as the OP, as well as the Edit Group toolbar vanishing, on a very frequent basis. A simple running of the GUI reset VBS that Autodesk has out there fixes both issues, altough users report the one above goes away if they restart Revit.

But i have seen the UI get jacked on a more permanant basis on a few machines, that NEEDED the .vbs run to reset the UI state.

All supported hardware, on supported drivers.