View Full Version : PLT support

2004-12-24, 10:56 AM
Everybody is using it so we would love to see this feature

Mod Edit: Thread moved from Wishlist to General.

2004-12-24, 07:46 PM
Everybody is using it so we would love to see this feature
You need to explain this better...Revit already can plot to PLT. What are you asking for?

2004-12-28, 08:25 AM
I can't plot to PLT, all I get is black background with some white spots. I have installed HP drivers for Designjet but still nothing. I tried every combination of the printing parameters and nothing changes. I think this should be easier.

Anyway, if anyone knows how to do it, please share with me...

P.S. No matter my (sometimes newbie) complaints, I believe Revit is exactly what I was looking for.

Cathy Hadley
2004-12-28, 05:12 PM
What plotter are you working with? DesignJet what?

First off... Besure you are using the latest and greatest drivers from HP for windows... NOT the heidi drivers from autodesk.

Then be sure your plotter is plotting correctly through another windows program first... i.e. word or excel ... this helps eliminate what is not working properly... the drivers, windows or Revit...

I've found that this solves most perceived plotting problems... If then you are still not plotting correctly from Revit we can further assist you in settings, I don't think I've ran into any printers yet that Revit cannot print directly to.. tho in some cases I prefer printing through the dwf driver.

Hope this helps.