View Full Version : Revision Cloud Sketch

2010-10-07, 05:38 PM
Summary: The ability to sketch an outline of a revision cloud.

Description: I wish I could draw a revision cloud along a polyline instead of clicking a million times.

How Used: To create a revision cloud have you click multiple times and the clouds can vary in sizes so easily. In Autocad you could draw a polyline, set the length of the cloud, and then select the polyline and Viola! Beautiful revision cloud! I wish revit had something similar.

Feature Affinity: Revisions

Submitted By: Rebecca Frangipane on September 21, 2010

2014-06-14, 03:10 PM
2015 version allows drawing the cloud using standard Revit lines.

Wish List System
2015-10-20, 02:13 PM
Revision Cloud Sketch

Summary: The ability to sketch an outline of a revision cloud.

Description: I wish I could draw a revision cloud along a polyline instead of clicking a million times.

Product and Feature: Revit Structure - Revisions

Submitted By: Rebecca Frangipane on 09/21/2010

Wish List System
2015-10-20, 02:17 PM
Revision Cloud Sketch

Summary: The ability to sketch an outline of a revision cloud.

Description: I wish I could draw a revision cloud along a polyline instead of clicking a million times.

Product and Feature: Revit Structure - Revisions

Submitted By: Rebecca Frangipane on 09/21/2010

2017-04-03, 03:21 PM
This very very worthwhile function has been added for at least version 2016. Should this be removed from the wish list?


2019-10-30, 07:36 PM
The fact that this is still listed here makes me wonder how valid the whole AUGI Wish List really is...

2019-10-30, 07:43 PM
2015 version allows drawing the cloud using standard Revit lines.

me wonder how valid the whole AUGI Wish List really is...