View Full Version : Proper procedure for linked Revit files and shared coordinates

2010-10-07, 06:56 PM
We have an architectural project, three building models linked into a host model with the host reporting coordinates back to the individual files.

Now we have the guys using Revit MEP, and they want to link in our Revit host file (with it's three building links).

What is the right way to handle this and keep everything coordinated?

Thanks for your help!

2010-10-07, 07:03 PM
We have an architectural project, three building models linked into a host model with the host reporting coordinates back to the individual files.

Now we have the guys using Revit MEP, and they want to link in our Revit host file (with it's three building links).

What is the right way to handle this and keep everything coordinated?

Thanks for your help!

In the host model, set the buildings' link Reference Type to be Attachment instead of the default Overlay. Then, assuming that your MEP folks have all 4 Revit files in the same relative locations (relative to each other) as you have them in your office, the building links should automatically show up when they link in your host model.

2010-10-07, 07:03 PM
With the terminology you use in the above, the answer depends on whats "really" been done so far.

The host "reports" coordinates back.... So did someone already "Publish" coordinates back? If so, how did the models that "had coordinates published" get back to the authoring party? Or did they get "published too" but are sitting on the architects network? Was it all done sitting at a round table together?

How were the models STARTED? Using what as an origin? Using what as a background?

Theres no replacement for a good kickoff meeting delineating all of these things before everyone goes design crazy in a model.

2010-10-07, 07:03 PM
I'd see the break down like this:

Site Services <---> Host Model (Site Layout and Parking)

Building 1
Arch <--> Struct <--> Mech

Building 2
Arch <--> Struct <--> Mech

Building 3
Arch <--> Struct <--> Mech

I'm curious, why do they want to be linked into the host model?

2010-10-07, 07:05 PM
If the OP has all 4 of their files all set up correctly in their own office, then the scenario I posted above should be all the MEP people need to do to see everything.

2010-10-07, 07:25 PM
In the host model, set the buildings' link Reference Type to be Attachment instead of the default Overlay. Then, assuming that your MEP folks have all 4 Revit files in the same relative locations (relative to each other) as you have them in your office, the building links should automatically show up when they link in your host model.

Yes they are all set to attachment, and we (architects and engineers) are all in the same office.

Perhaps rather than use my host file, they should link in the individual building models?

2010-10-07, 07:30 PM
With the terminology you use in the above, the answer depends on whats "really" been done so far.

The host "reports" coordinates back.... So did someone already "Publish" coordinates back? If so, how did the models that "had coordinates published" get back to the authoring party? Or did they get "published too" but are sitting on the architects network? Was it all done sitting at a round table together?

How were the models STARTED? Using what as an origin? Using what as a background?

Theres no replacement for a good kickoff meeting delineating all of these things before everyone goes design crazy in a model.

LOL, these models were all started way before I got here. So the origins of the 4 building models are all over the place.

We (architects) and the MEP guys are all in the same office, so same network.

I can get the host to load into the MEP model, but the Floor 1 of the MEP model is 0'-0" and the floor one of the host is 38'-1 1/2". Do I manually have to change Floor 1 in the MEP model to "Shared"?

2010-10-07, 08:54 PM
No. And no.

If theyre all aligned in the "Host Model" then just Publish the Shared Coordinate to the MEP models. If youre on the network, and the Host model can "see" the central of the MEP its linked too, you shouldnt have a problem. Then they (MEP) just Link in By Shared Coordinates, and everything works fine, if you didnt miss any steps...

I dont link anything as attachement. Much more finite control linking everything in to the host as Overlay, on its own workset.

2010-10-08, 05:35 AM
Hi Aaron,

Is there a procedure or whitepaper in print anywhere outlining the workflow for the process of linking consultants model's?

2010-10-08, 02:12 PM
There are several, but i know there are many "schools of thought," as its very "Chevy versus Ford," if you will. Certainly there are people who do things differently, but over the years these are my findings, and the resulting workflow from it:

1. Origins- Always done as Shared Coordinates. OTO only works on smaller projects, with no repeating models (buildings, units, whatever) and only if everyone got started on the same plage. Plus, if someone started a model off in space, it causes problems. I link in models Center to center, translate them to correct location, and Publish coordinates. if i cant send the models back to them, i send them MY model and have them acquire. This applies to the vertical direction as well, which is what it sounds like Amy is dealing with.

2. Attachment versus overlay- It is what it is, but i get NO benefit out of Attachment. All that does is link it in to my file automatically, and take away all capability to unlink, or selective link it... Which is dangerous in case someone else accidentally has some corruption or issue. Sure, you can do the old "rename the file so the link isnt there," but why bother? I link EVERYTHING individually in to my file, and recommend everyone else do the same. I put them ALL on their OWN worksets, as well. Since we cant selectively load links on File Open, but we can with worksets.

3. What worksets do i Load from the Link? All of them, unless told otherwise. We have an Execution Strategy document that has a worksheet, so if there are erroneous worksets that consultants done NEED (Seating, for instance. The struct. guy doesnt need to deal with 6000 seats in my auditorium while hes 'structuring') then i declare those worksets "Not consultant relevant" and tell them not to load them. You have to be care ful with it though. If you do that, you need to be very good about worksets.

In hindsight, we also dont go "Insert > Link Revit" for consultants models. We have models linked in to our Template, that are blank. That way our view templates already have thigns done, like shutting off the annotations we dont want in the linked models, and turning the steel a lighter lineweight and color (192/192/192_ in RCP. So when we get consultants files, we go Reload From, under Manage Links, to bring them in.

Thats all i got, because its a busy day. But there are tons of opinions on that matter, tjhats just one. :)

2010-10-08, 02:41 PM
Aaron, PM sent :)

2010-10-08, 02:53 PM
Back at ya. ;)