View Full Version : Linked File Mystery

2010-10-08, 06:57 PM
I am having problems with linking a structural file. There are old walls that keep appearing in our revit model that were removed from the structure file months ago, but keep showing up. I have removed the link and reloaded it from a completely new file, and the problem keeps happening. I have checked the structure file, turning on all worksets, object types, and phases, and the walls aren't there. This is a huge problem from our end because it means that we cannot easily check the structure file against our floor plans and means that we don't know what to actually trust in the structure file as being up-to-date.

cliff collins
2010-10-08, 07:19 PM
Were those mystery walls Copy/Monitored at some point in the past?

Get a fresh/current model from the Struct. engineer and open it by itself.
See if those walls are inside their model somewhere and if you find them delete them,
then reload as link into your model.


2010-10-08, 07:24 PM
No, they are not in the structural file when opened by itself. They were never copy/monitored.

cliff collins
2010-10-08, 07:49 PM
Thanks for checking.

However, there are no such things as "walls that don't exist".
They have to be in one of the files. You just have to find them and delete them.

Check these variables again:

Are they in a Design Option perhaps?

On an incorrect Phase; views set on wrong Phase Filter?

Left over Cad garbage?

Do they show up in any 3D views, or just 2D plans or elevations/sections?

View Range Depth issue? Plan Region?

Scope Box or Section Box problems?

Part of a Group--gone bad?


2010-10-08, 08:16 PM
Is the linked file actually referencing the new version of the project file? If yes, when you can see the wall(s), hover your cursor over one, TAB until you select just the wall, have a look at the properties. Might be a clue there and able to answer Cliff's questions. Have you mapped the project phases between files?

2010-10-08, 08:37 PM
The walls do exist in the structure model, because if I delete the offending wall type, the walls go away in the structure model. Unfortunately, this also takes away other walls that we do need... I don't understand where the walls are in the structure model, because I've looked practically everywhere and also followed your advice. Here is my response to your suggestions above:

Design Options: No, there are no design options in either the architecture or structure models.
3d: Yes, it is a wall type and shows up the architecture 3d view
Phase: No, it is in the "new construction" phase and does not show up in the structure 3d view even with all phases turned on
Cad: no, because it is a 3d revit wall type
View range, plan region: no, it appears in 3d as well as 2d views
Scope box: no, the wall still appears even if I delete scope boxes
Group: not sure, if I can't find the element, it is hard to find if it is in a group

cliff collins
2010-10-08, 08:47 PM
If it's in a Group, the Group will highlight when you select it.

Look in the Browser under Groups and see what's in there...........

Sounds like you may be on the right trail.


2010-10-08, 09:28 PM
Make sure the structural model does not have an older version of your architectural model as an attachment.

When I work with consultant models I tend to open them up and clean their file. I purge and remove all CAD and Revit links. This helps reduce the overall project file size.