View Full Version : Revit to DWF question

2010-10-09, 11:48 AM
I want to add 3d models in a clients website and I think the best and free way is to use dwg. However, a visitor of the site will not want to download such a big program like Design Review and of course the only reason is to look at the model, no markups or object properties... I think Adesk's app is too complicated, is there any other app just for viewing? or a plugin/addon for IE and Firefox?
Is there a way to make all windows except the 3d view disappear when I open Design Review? So far, from Revit, I can only hide the properties (not export to DWF)

I know about VRML from MAX, or even X3D from Blender (through obj file) but I think the quality is not so good and the viewers are not easy to manipulate. If on the other hand someone knows of a good method using these two, I would appreciate any info.

2010-10-09, 12:22 PM
Autodesk Labs have the Project Freewheel for DWF (Free) http://labs.autodesk.com/technologies/freewheel/

Also, you might wanna check out ICEvision Publisher if you want something better ($77 month / $900 year)

TurnTool is also a cool tool - but not direct support for Revit...

2010-10-09, 04:08 PM
Thanks, the Adesk app looks interesting but it has bad image quality when orbiting.
I want a free app, it is not so important and maybe I won't use it again...
Turntool is good, it's been a while since I heard about it, but it is expensive.

Scott Womack
2010-10-10, 11:18 AM
There is a DWF viewer plugin for Firefox. It can view a DWFx. I believe IE8 can view a DWFx
as well without further plugin

Dave Jones
2010-10-10, 03:12 PM
There is a DWF viewer plugin for Firefox. It can view a DWFx. I believe IE8 can view a DWFx
as well without further plugin

do you have a name for the Firefox DWFx viewer plugin? Doing a search at mozilla.com for dwfx brings 0 results

2010-10-11, 07:22 AM
Hi Dave,

It is a labs tool which you can find over here.


Dave Jones
2010-10-11, 02:10 PM
Hi Dave,

It is a labs tool which you can find over here.


thanks! I'm on my way...