View Full Version : Legends - How do you work in them?

2010-10-11, 11:23 AM
Hey guys, i've gotten the mission to further investigate the usability of the Legend feature, and so far I just see Legends as something quite underdeveloped which isn't as useful as it could be?

I mean, you have to add all the items manually, and you can only add text? Why can't you even tag them with different parameters?

Why couldn't it be similar to the schedules, I mean in the way that you have the option to manage all the Fields, Filter, Sorting/grouping etc.

I don't feel that modifying the material-tag is a valid option to be able to tag the components.

Is it just a fact and something one will have to take, the fact that the legends are just painfully manual at the current stage of Revit?

The only thing i've found that seems to be able to come close to a better solution is http://www.tools4revit.com/dynamic-legend/ , I have no idea if this is working good for real, but atleast it seems to be something along the way? I guess it won't surprise me if it is a very pricy addition too.

Please come with tips & tricks for smarter and less time-consuming useage of the Legends.

2010-10-11, 12:07 PM
In fact the legends are just painfully manual... and I never use them.

But as always there´s a workaround, using actual objects and phases... try a search on this forum for: "Phase before" and you´ll find all the info you need. :beer:

The add-on you mentioned looks promising though, but havn´t heard about any good or bad stuff from people actually usning it.

2010-10-12, 07:35 AM
I mailed the company, and apparently a license costs ~800 EUR (atleast for me in Sweden)

Apparently you get some other applications too, but still its quite some money..

2011-03-27, 04:58 AM
I use legends views not as legends for Sheets, but as 'tool palettes'. For example, I create a legend called power. I place all power 'legend components' in this legend. Now every time I am modeling electrical components, I leave my power legend open and I never have to waste time scrolling through the 'type selector' looking for the correct family. Just use the 'create similar' (shortcut CS) tool to copy from the legend view to a floor plan view. This also ensures that all users are using company standards rather than custom families, (just make sure your they use the legends). We have legends like this for, view annotation, sheet annotation, piping, electrical, tags, etc.

2011-03-28, 12:03 PM
That's a unique use of legends. But it also assumes you have everything you need already loaded into your project. Wouldn't work for us as our template would probably end up over 100MB and sloooow! That's just for a single family house. Kudos to you though for finding a unique use of legends that work for you.

2011-03-28, 09:08 PM
Check out "Legend Components". I use them to show 2D elevations of doors and windows on the schedule sheet.

2011-05-26, 09:07 PM
Is there a way to re-use legends if one were to use them for the purpose they are intended for? IE I am doing an as/built demo plan and have several sheets and would like to place an individual legend on each sheet instead of copying the same legend over and over again...any suggestions woule be much appreciated!


2011-05-26, 09:19 PM
Never mind...If you want to ADD legends to additional sheets you just have to drag over from the browser...not ADD TO SHEET...kinda weird but...WORKS...

2011-05-26, 09:50 PM
Never mind...If you want to ADD legends to additional sheets you just have to drag over from the browser...not ADD TO SHEET...kinda weird but...WORKS...

haha people still use "Add to Sheet"? I ALWAYS drag any and all views from the PB to the sheet. Way faster and easier.