View Full Version : Purged components how to restore?

2010-10-13, 12:31 PM
Hi Guys,

How to restore the default components once the project has been purged? anyone can help?


2010-10-13, 12:40 PM
Start a new project from your project template, and then, in your purged model, use Transfer Project Standards (found in the Manage tab).

cliff collins
2010-10-13, 12:58 PM
We have had a few problems with users purging a project, when they should not be doing so without first checking with the Project Architect.

A recent example has caused us to have to go back and "rebuild" quite a bit of content
and views which were damaged due to purged elements being deleted, etc.

Does anyone know of a way to "block" users from having the ability to purge?

Or a better way of preventing un-wanted purges from happening?

( I know--"over-communicate" is ideal, but doesn't always work 100% of the time,
and once is all it takes to do some pretty serious damage in a project well into DD/CD


2010-10-13, 01:01 PM
We have had a few problems with users purging a project, when they should not be doing so without first checking with the Project Architect.

A recent example has caused us to have to go back and "rebuild" quite a bit of content
and views which were damaged due to purged elements being deleted, etc.

Does anyone know of a way to "block" users from having the ability to purge?

Or a better way of preventing un-wanted purges from happening?

( I know--"over-communicate" is ideal, but doesn't always work 100% of the time,
and once is all it takes to do some pretty serious damage in a project well into DD/CD


I tell everyone in our office the button is universally off limits, LOL.

But out of curiousity: Since Purge Unused only vacates things that werent in use, how and what did it mess up in some of your views? Nothing in the views should have been purgable.

To answer your other question, you CAN check out Project Setting worksets one by one, and not relinquish. Im not sure how many you would need to block a PU from happening. I think theryes a Family Definition one in there...

cliff collins
2010-10-13, 01:45 PM
In this case, there was specific content pre-loaded from a custom template-
stuff like custom callouts, section and elevation tags, etc. that were not in use
YET--because project was moving from SD to DD/CD.

Looking at the Proj. Standards workset list, nothing specific for controlling purge jumps out--but will take a harder look.

Perhaps the API can "block" users from certain commands? LOL


2010-10-13, 01:52 PM
Oh, so "views damaged" doesnt mean things that were in views were messed up, i see what youre saying.

There really isnt much else besides good communication. Ive put it on the users, to give me a decent reason for using Purge Unused, and we can discuss it. But thus far, i havent heard a single good reason.

2010-10-13, 03:47 PM
yeah, i think the need to Purge has become ingrained into many of my users due to years of AutoCAD. The Transfer Project Standards option works for some but not all of the content. The weird thing we had was where Revit purged all of the types of a family but did not purge the family. It was an empty family i guess. When we tried to reload the family, it acted like it had done it but it hadn't. We had to find the family listed in the Family list and delete it from there and then reload the family. It was mainly annotation families.