View Full Version : Family Titleblock Object Lineweights

2010-10-13, 07:30 PM
I am creating a titleblock and I have modified the line weight of some of the specific categories under the Title Blocks category in the object styles dialog box. When I transfer this into a project it goes back to using the object style line weight of the new drawing. Is there a way to have the modified line weights to carry over, or do I need to modify the object style lineweight in the template file so that the lineweights show up. Attached is a picture as part of the family and after loaded into a project.

cliff collins
2010-10-13, 07:35 PM
Check Object Styles in the Project under annotation categories, Detail items,
and under Lines in Model Categories.

Also--make sure your view is not set to "thin lines" display...


2010-10-13, 08:24 PM
I had mentioned in my post that there is a difference between object styles lineweight between the titleblock family and the project it was inserted in.

What I am trying to determine is if I modify lineweights for objects in a family, is there a way to have these lineweights carry over to project file, without having to modify each lineweight in the template to match family.

It is nice to modify lineweights in titleblock so that I can see how it will look when it is plotted. I have attached a couple of screen shots for the object styles showing that there is a difference.

2010-10-13, 08:56 PM
You can make all the lineweight changes you want in the titleblock family but as soon as you load it into the project then the project settings take over. Just match up the project lineweight settings with the family lineweight settings that you already worked out.