View Full Version : No mentioning of Revit in Autodesk family of solution ?!!

Richard McCarthy
2003-10-05, 03:31 PM
There is a recent autodesk news release about Autodesk VIZ5, and in it, it talks about VIZ5 been the visualisation solution for ADT and AutoCAD 2004 , the solution for all the architect... there is no mention of Revit. That really worries me.. is Autodesk going to let this slide and basically kill Revit like it kills Lightscape? how come Revit is not mention at all? Is it not even a better solution than ADT and AutoCAD combine?

2003-10-05, 04:57 PM
Man, if you read the latest 'fall' AutoDesk user mag, the free one that they give out online via PDF, you certainly wouldn't think that. It's mostly about Revit! I think it's just that AutoDesk is like one of those big ol' dinosaurs, that had two brains, one in it's head and the other in it's tail....

2003-10-05, 10:34 PM
There was a pretty lengthy disourse on this in the NG over the past couple of weeks ("Mixed Message Rant"). If you have a decent news reader that doesn't prune the posts, you should be able to pick up most of the messages.

Perhaps there is nothing to worry about here, and perhaps you are 100% correct Jeffrey, but it is no less disconcerting to some to realize there are many mixed messages coming from Adesk about the future architectural heir to the throne.

It's just weird, and if the time and money investment wasn't so heavy, and IF there were any other proggies out their that compaired to Revit, I think Adesk's would be singing a diffrent tune, and would have pulled their other brain out of their tale a long time ago, or risk alot of people just migrating to a simpler business model.

However, I must admit that Phil and the gang did lend a pretty good portion of the pdf to Revit in this quarter's "Building Solutions" e-mag.

2003-10-06, 01:09 AM
I have been noting a lot of presumption that VIZ is to replace Accurender in Revit, however, I cant recall any official statements to that fact (correct me if I am wrong).
Accurender 4 is going through beta testing at the moment (as discussed in AR3 newsgroups) so wouldnt that timing possibly fit with Revit6 release???.... :?: :?:
Isnt replacing Accurender with VIZ just 'Autodesking' the product, which nobody seems to like the thought of. :shock:

Just my 2.2c worth


2003-10-06, 01:43 AM
Dennis McNeal - Autodesk Staff - I honestly don't know if Viz will go into Revit. Keep your fingers crossed!

There probably won't be any official announcement before R6.0, in keeping with company policy.

The fact that Viz-Render is in ADT is a fairly strong indicator that it will eventually get into Revit. The question is when.

2003-10-06, 01:49 AM
Nah, he's just teasing :roll:


2003-10-06, 02:01 AM
Even if it makes the cut, it may not be the answer to all prayers.

Aaron Rumple wrote - Viz Render is part of ADT 2004. It includes no modeling tools and is
basically the rendering engine of Viz 4 - radiosity only, no ray traced

2003-10-06, 02:16 AM
Hey Jeffrey,

could you post the link to the 'online' PDF file ? or repost with the file attached? Had a quick browse at Adesk's site but I couldn't find it...

2003-10-06, 02:36 AM
Here's the Link (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/item?id=3365719&siteID=123112)

2003-10-06, 03:38 AM
I think there is a very simple reason for why Revit wasn't mentioned in the communication regarding VIZ. Autodesk is NOT going to mention Revit in any communication regarding VIZ until the two packages are more compatible. Why would a company list an application in this communication that could raise more questions and complaints than they are ready to confront. By not mentioning it, they've saved themselves explanations and hours of communication time in explaining why Revit doesn't work better with VIZ.

I agree, the removal of Accurender will take time - remember, it has been in Revit since it's beginning. That's alot of calls and code that has to be "surgically" severed, and modified to work with VIZ calls and code. I don't think that the programmers of Revit wrote the code in modules that would allow easy removal of such an integral part of the software.

Don't worry, it will happen. It's just going to take time.

2003-10-06, 05:21 AM
Another thing to consiter within this whole mess is as far as I've heard, there is not gonna be a VIZ5, but instead everyone's getting bumped to MAX, and Viz will only live on with the VIZ-render plug-in. VIZ 4 is the end of the line from what I've been hearing. I get this from two places; there's a guy I know who's big on Viz, gets used in AutoDesk's marketing for the product, and now is getting used for MAX marketing and is moving to MAX; also read the posts in the AutoDesk VIZ 4 group, everyone there thinks for several reasons that VIZ is dead! So having something all about VIZ 5 when everything I've heard points to the fact that there isn't gonna be a VIZ 5.... Unless everything's changed again, which is totally possible... :)

2003-10-06, 06:21 AM
Check out this PRESS RELEASE (www.cgarchitect.com/news/newsfeed.asp?nid=1531) dated 03 October 03.

( and No, its not on Autodesks own press release site ( at the time of publication ). Make of that what you will )

2003-10-06, 03:39 PM
Wow lookit that, there is gonna be a Viz 5. Better go read the VIZ newsgroups and see what they have to say...

Vincent Valentijn
2003-10-07, 08:36 AM
Wow lookit that, there is gonna be a Viz 5. Better go read the VIZ newsgroups and see what they have to say...

:shock: I don't get it at all?? What are they saying? I just can't keep up with all these corporate games..
This summer Discreet sent me news about MAX6.. VIZ was to be incorporated in the new MAX6 [which will be there soon now] which would render VIZ superfluous (as a seperate software)
also got this news from Cadalyst (which always is very reliable) in july

Discreet, a division of Autodesk, announced 3ds max 6 (US$3,495; upgrades from 5, $795) at the SIGGRAPH show today. As foreshadowed by the release of an architectural design extension for 3ds max at the end of 2002, this new release will provide an abundant assortment of tools for AEC design visualization when it ships this fall. It comes with switchable INI files so you can set system defaults to those appropriate for design visualization-for example, shadows being on by default for all lights. 3ds max 6 also incorporates VIZ Render technology found in Architectural Desktop 2004 so that you can open VIZ Render DRF files directly to apply advanced visualization techniques. The 3ds max renderer and the newly added mental ray renderer support VIZ Render Physical Material properties. Another new, and welcome, interoperability feature in 3ds max is the ability to export DWG files. Where does this leave Autodesk VIZ? VIZ 4 works well with Architectural Desktop 3.3 and AutoCAD 2002, but does not directly support the AutoCAD 2004 file format. The Save as AutoCAD 2000 feature in AutoCAD 2004 provides a data migration route to VIZ. Discreet plans to make it easy for VIZ users to switch to 3ds max, if they want to, but will continue to support VIZ customers.

VIZ4 was going to be the last 'stand-alone' version .. same old story 'keeping the support going' etc.. It sounded logical too since.. they were going to make it easy for VIZ users to buy into MAX6 that includes VIZrender and has powerfull modelling capabilities..
At the same time, VIZ is sold under the Adesk flag and not Discreet.. eventhough it's quite obvious that Adesk is into Discreet [which was Kinetics before ~ confusion confusion] or was it the other way around since Discreet is in fact a division of Adesk!? pffff...
lost me there :roll: .. this stuff really puzzles me :? -vicious games with different names-
weird huh?

2003-10-07, 08:43 AM
vicious games with different names


Vincent Valentijn
2003-10-08, 07:44 AM

Yes.. that's Yello, you're quite right.. You gotta say yes, to another excess.. next thing you know people are guessing who is in my avatar? hihi..

anyway.. just wanted to mention -today I got new Discreet news- that starts with:
VIZ Statement

Earlier this week, Autodesk made an announcement to the media about plans to develop the next release of Autodesk® VIZ.

With the upcoming launch of 3ds max® 6, we are clarifying the positioning of Autodesk's family of design visualization solutions and renewing our commitment to Autodesk VIZ.

Did they read what I posted yesterday or what?? haha.. :wink:

2003-10-08, 08:31 AM
I do recognise your avatar but from where is just a shade beyond me. I know its not Deiter Meier though!

Might be the scientist from the video of Thomas Dolby's she blinded me with science but that is probably too far out of the frame.

2003-10-08, 01:11 PM
It brings to mind the madly evil scientist rom Fritz Lang's Metropolis.


Vincent Valentijn
2003-10-08, 02:05 PM
It brings to mind the madly evil scientist rom Fritz Lang's Metropolis.


indeed.. it's Rotwang, the evil-wizard-like scientist from Metropolis. :D :? Sometimes feel a bit like that in the business that I'm in now.. kinda collides with being an idealist. :(

Vincent Valentijn
2003-10-08, 02:07 PM
I know its not Deiter Meier though!

nope.. and it's not Boris either :wink: