View Full Version : Section view-type Detail problem

2004-12-27, 11:34 PM
I have made some section views of type "Detail" and set the reference label to "TYP", this works fine but not all details are typical so I duplicated the type and made one with no value in the reference label. When I created another detail reference by default it used the "TYP" type so then I selected the detail symbol and then selected the other type but the detail symbol remains the same, whats up with that?

2004-12-27, 11:54 PM
To show sections that are similar to a typical section, you select the checkbox " reference other view" when placing the section, and then select the view that it references. The main, or parent, section view will appear as usual and subsequent referencing section views wll be placed with a reference label of your choice, such a "sim" or "typ". When the parent section view is placed on a sheet, all the other views will reference this sheet and section number.

Is that what you wish to do ?