View Full Version : Certification

2010-10-25, 06:07 PM
I just (today - 10/25) received e/m regarding free certification. My local testing center is Pratt Institute & the test will be conducted on Thursday 10/28.

Is this all the advance notice that we're supposed to get? Or was this whole affair concocted over this past weekend after the Yankees lost?

Anyway, thanks for the heads up. I can't make it.

cliff collins
2010-10-25, 06:18 PM
Certification for what? Revit? from your Adsk reseller?


2010-10-25, 06:40 PM
It's actually an AUGI Bulletin - see if this link works for you, Cliff:


2010-10-26, 02:54 AM
Well at least you have the opportunity. None of that down under unfortunately and on a side note, I have contacted my reseller 3 weeks ago to arrange for me to do this exam and I have not heard a thing back from them....might be time to find a new reseller I think.

2010-10-26, 04:35 AM
Well at least you have the opportunity. None of that down under unfortunately and on a side note, I have contacted my reseller 3 weeks ago to arrange for me to do this exam and I have not heard a thing back from them....might be time to find a new reseller I think.

I don't know if your major resller is the same as the arrogant, eletist one over here who seems to dominate the complete eastern seaboard of Aus. but (like our monopolistic banks), we SERIOUSLY need more competition in the marketplace.

2010-10-26, 02:15 PM
Pratt Institute is well known college in NYC specializing in the arts, including architecture. They offer B. Arch as well as M.Arch courses, as well as continuing education programs. I myself have a B.Arch from Pratt

If they are a reseller, I am unaware of it. However, they are a sponsor of the NYC Revit user group, which I attend regularly. (They provide the meeting space). They also teach courses in Autodesk products.

Otherwise, you are correct noting that there was very short notice given. Today I got an email from James Vandezande announcing the same event (quite likely the same e/m you got) on the 28th. That's a 48 hour notice. Can't cram very much in that amount of time.

Maybe that's the point.

2010-10-26, 02:26 PM
i got the email as well
i was unsure if the testing study material or the test itself was free

further confusing the situation, when checking the autodesk website, it had the prices listed ($75-125)

is the study guide for the certification free?
is the certification test itself free?

2010-10-26, 02:53 PM
I believe the test is free (probably only to subscribers) but the study mat'ls are ala carte. I bought a book when I got 2009 Certified & it was a waste of money.

2010-10-26, 03:41 PM
I got 2009 Certified & it was a waste of money.

yea, from the basis of the "abilities tested" it seems like if you have ever done a complete modeled building for CD's that you would be a shoe-in to pass the test.

2010-10-26, 03:46 PM
Shoe-in, indeed. I had the flu & was running a +100° temp, completed the test in 30 mins & got 1 question wrong.

Anybody want to buy a lightly used study guide from 2009?

2010-10-26, 08:17 PM
hm wonder if I could pass this thing without studying at all, seeing as how I've been using Revit for over 6 years for 100% all drawings and projects in my office, and everyone comes to me as the "expert" 8)

cliff collins
2010-10-26, 09:38 PM
Of course not!!!!

Tests rarely "test" your actual ability in the real world--
they "test" your ability to "pass tests"................

( The ARE is a fine example.............) LOL


2010-10-27, 03:55 PM
Looking at the material they test you on, it looks like it would be a breeze for me. But it's kind of pointless for me since I'm not looking for a job right now. If I ever am in that position, then I'll probably do the certification.

And yes I'm dreading the ARE. I took one test last November, but then we had a kid. I've been trying to prepare for the Structural portion, and it's been so hard to try to find time to study. There is so much material on this one, and I can't really afford to fail.