View Full Version : Let the beast go

Nic M.
2003-10-06, 08:28 PM
But be gentle, its my first time

First Revit project
This is the preliminary design for a residential building
Home for two people
Irregular site shape

Nic M.
2003-10-06, 08:37 PM
This was the next step in the project:

The plans for local government
These are no construction plans, just to get the necessary stamps and signatures

All done in revit no acad,... whatever

Let me know what you think

2003-10-06, 09:36 PM
While it is not necessarily my style of architecture, it is a very nice project. I especially like the complexity you achieved within such a tight plan.

On another note, I think that the drawings are magnificent examples of the level of customizability that you can acheive with Revit. They are really good-looking drawings.

2003-10-07, 03:29 AM

I love that this group is so diverse that I get to see work from very different locales. These are VERY nice documents, particularly for a first effort with Revit. It is obvious you've spent quite some time getting this just right for your presentation requirements. I like the sheet formatting, door handles are a nice touch. I like the numbering method you've employed for windows etc., very clean and distinct. The shaded view as opposed to a rendering is very nice too.

The diagonal lines beneath the elevations, is it the topo poche or filled regions? If it's topo, I like to bump the lineweight of the topo cut in objects styles to get a fatter surface cut, don't know if you knew you could do that?

Did you know that you can drag the ends of dimension extension lines to the object it is dimensioning? I ask because there are a couple instance where the end of a dimension string is far away from the entity it is dimensioning? Perhaps on purpose?

Golly the metric system might actually make dimensioning tolerable here in the states if only we got to use it?

My only criticism is the spelling, it looks like a whole different language!! You better have a look at that before you turn it over to the client huh? :lol:

Oh, this gets my vote for the IOTW Z...

2003-10-07, 07:31 AM

Here we go through two stages in local government approval, the Planning stage where it is agreed that the building is acceptable in terms of local development control and the Building Regulations stage where we demonstrate that the building will stand up and keep out the cold and wet.

I assume that these drawings relate to this later stage.

In the drawing Voorgevel on sheet bouwaanvragg1 the architecture has a different style, with the panelled door and the cornice detail at eaves level. Are you retaining an existing feature or is this an attempt in new work to fit in with the surrounding streetscene?

A site plan would have been nice and I am intrigued to know where the trees come from. Are they the stock Revit trees or something you have brought in from elsewhere or made?

Whatever the case, nice work and well presented.

Nic M.
2003-10-07, 08:09 AM
Thanks for the nice comments,
In the most cases we only have one approval but its a hell to pass. It can varry from 3 months to 2 years to get the approval. Lots of grey hair and stubborn officials.
The different architecture is related to the evolution of the project. The site had an existing building wich the owners would like to rebuild but we dident ( to many dollars to keep an old building) And yes it has to go with the streetscene. Than the madame would like an old style type of home, the man had a modern style in mind. ( And us in the middle to keep the marriage going).

The trees are Revit stock Deciduous tree2

I like to keep the dimensionlines short so they don't clutter up the drawings but sometimes they are a little far away. Can't win them all.

The spelling is different from english but foneticly there two cousins

Vincent Valentijn
2003-10-08, 08:04 AM
Very nice design for it's class Nic!.. at least it isn't kitsch or las vegas... :wink: More Belgian styled huh? reminds me slightly of one of my gradation assisting-teachers in university, Christian Kieckens, I bet you know who that is. Though Christian is going a bit more towards the Swiss-school I guess (design is building)

2003-10-10, 09:36 AM
The trees are Revit stock Deciduous tree2

I can't find them anywhere. Can you post or give me a pointer to where you found them please.

Nic M.
2003-10-10, 11:27 AM
Viola, U vraagt wij draaien...

Thanks for the comments
I posted these files to show some local resellers here that Revit can produce detailed drawing. Thats why I wanted to show this project, it has a bit of everything.
I had a real difficult time to find a reseller that actualy wanted to sell me revit, they all blaberd about ADT.