View Full Version : Visibility of text in imported dwg models

2010-11-01, 02:40 PM
Imported the ductwork model by going to Component --> Model-In-Place --> Generic Models. It comes in fine, visible, renders correctly in various shadings and hidden line. The only problem is the duct size tags that are in the file will not appear in shaded or hidden views. At first I thought this was because the text was inside the duct, but I opened the file in Autocad and raised the text up out of the ductwork. Problem persists. When the file is viewed in Autocad and the ductwork is shaded or viewed in hidden line the duct size tags remain visible.

Anyone have a fix for this?

Top image is wireframe, elevation and plan, where the tags are visible, then hidden line dollowed by shaded where they disapear. Blue is mechanical piping which comes in without issue.