View Full Version : 2011 how do you zoom out enough?

2010-11-06, 03:27 AM
I remember CAD generally working in inches, by default. Well. cranked in dimensions in inches, and it went off the screen. How do I zoom it out enough to see what's in the drawing? Thanks!

2010-11-06, 08:07 AM
zoom extents

2010-11-06, 04:08 PM
Ok, makes sense. Where do you find the zoom options in 2011? Its such a different look than what I am used to. Give me a command to type into the command line. Thanks!

2010-11-07, 02:46 AM
Ok, makes sense. Where do you find the zoom options in 2011? Its such a different look than what I am used to. Give me a command to type into the command line. Thanks!

You can just type the "z", Enter, "e", & that should do it.

2010-11-08, 03:16 PM
Or you can double-click the middle button (scroll wheel) on your mouse. You can also use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out incrementally.

2010-11-09, 07:12 PM
Well, I started with the wheel, but it doesn't zoom out far enough to see even extents, so I had to post to get this info. Thanks!

2010-11-10, 12:50 PM
Well, I started with the wheel, but it doesn't zoom out far enough to see even extents...

While you are zooming out with the wheel and it stops, you might notice it says "Already zoomed out as far as possible" in the coordinates area of the status bar. If you run the REGEN command, the virtual display will expand, allowing you to zoom out more.

The other suggestions are correct also, but I thought I would just point out the effect REGEN will have.

One more tip.... Zoom>Vmax (http://cadpanacea.com/node/270) will zoom to the extents of your virtual display.

2010-11-11, 08:27 AM
good post about zoom out..i get good knowledge..

2010-11-22, 12:30 PM
Ok, makes sense. Where do you find the zoom options in 2011? Its such a different look than what I am used to. Give me a command to type into the command line. Thanks!Depending on which version and how you've got it customized it may be very different indeed.

My Vanilla 2011 has the "Zoom Extents" in the following position on the ribbon: View (tab) --> Navigate (panel) --> Extents (button). If you have the menu turned on (MenuBar sysvar) it's as per old: View --> Zoom --> Extents.

In my ACA 2011 it's in much the same spot on the ribbon, only it's a smaller button with only the icon (no text).

Fortunate for me I do 90% of my commands through the keyboard, so I don't really mind the ribbon / menu / toolbars / etc. So yes as Jane's shown you, my Zoom Extents goes: