View Full Version : Schedule visibilty with "Sheet List"..Key Plans.

2010-11-08, 06:42 PM

I am trying to schedule the visibility of key plans. I've seen how
other people handle key plans. Regardless what method they use they
have one thing in common. They have to go to each sheet...I am trying
to avoid that. And hope I can use revit's "Sheet List" schedule.

1. I created two key plans families (using generic annotation family).
I named them.."East" and "West".

2. I Loaded families into a title block. Positioned them in the desired location.

3. In title block.
a. I created two Visibility parameters.
I named them.."Key Plan West" and "Key Plan East".
b. I assigned family "West" to visibility parameter "Key Plan West".
c. I assigned family "East" to visibility parameter "Key Plan East".
d. I then created two "yes/no" shared parameter.
I named them "Key Plan West Visibilty" and "Key Plan East Visibility".
Both of them "Instance".

4. I loaded the titleblock to a project.

5. In the project, I added the two "yes/no" shared parameter (key Plan West Visibility
and Key Plan East Visibility). Categories->Sheet. Group->Others.

In the titleblock family, for "Family Types" (Please see attached).
What are the formulas I need to drive the visibility of "Key Plan West" or "Key Plan East" on or off.
Where will I add them? Graphics or Other?

Or do you guys think this will not work at all?

2010-11-08, 07:01 PM
Youre not going to be able to write a formula that will *automatically* know if its the right side or the left (east or west). Any way you slice it, youll be doing it at the sheet level.

2010-11-08, 08:47 PM
Thanks Aaron,

I was afraid that was going to be the answer. But I needed
somebody to confirm it....Oh well, to the sheets level then.