View Full Version : Why such a memory jump from 2009 to 2011?

2010-11-09, 03:44 AM
Yes that’s right, we are STILL using 2009 but we are about to upgrade to 2011 but I’m alittle concerned.
A file open in Revit 2009 only consumed 360 mb memory, whereas the same file opened in 2011 used 900 mb and seemed very jittery. I saved and done a compress whilst saving but when I reopened 2011 it was using a similar amount of mem....

Am I doing something wrong??? or is 2011 reamy memory hungry

2010-11-09, 09:28 AM
Well with the userface update a few other features and tweaks on the program I am not really surprised that there is a memory jump. Depending on your windows version and machine specs this jump could effect you in a lot of ways.