View Full Version : Filter 'reference other views'

Bryan Thatcher
2010-11-09, 09:01 PM
When placing sections that reverence other views, is there a way to pre-filter the list to only show the views placed on sheets that are numbered? Thanks.

2010-11-09, 09:40 PM
So far I have not found any way to do this but it would be really nice. The only tips I have are that the list is alphabetical by view type and when you hit the drop down arrow you can key the first letter of a view type to quickly get to the top of that section of views. Still clunky.

2010-11-11, 05:30 AM
This would be a sweet wish list item if it is not already on there...

Scott Womack
2010-11-11, 01:11 PM
This would be a sweet wish list item if it is not already on there...

Then go add it. Please note, each time there is a "vote" on wish lists, it essentially starts with a clean slate. Those wishes that don't make the top 10 or so, essentially get archived, and are no longer in the running to ever get voted on again, unless someone refiles the wish.