View Full Version : Revision Clouds line weight different per Revision

2010-11-17, 01:17 PM
What we have is #4 Revision/Addenda going out and after each one is issued we what those Clouds to be pen weight #3 and the NEW Revision Clouds pen weight #7 so that the new addendum clouds show nice and BOLD. Addendum had just over 750 clouds due to Duplicating with detail. Now I NEED to make those 750 clouds lineweight #3 and make new clouds for Addendum #2 a weight #7. I have tried many things but the clouds are not something you can easily modify.


2010-11-17, 02:12 PM
What we have is #4 Revision/Addenda going out and after each one is issued we what those Clouds to be pen weight #3 and the NEW Revision Clouds pen weight #7 so that the new addendum clouds show nice and BOLD. Addendum had just over 750 clouds due to Duplicating with detail. Now I NEED to make those 750 clouds lineweight #3 and make new clouds for Addendum #2 a weight #7. I have tried many things but the clouds are not something you can easily modify.


I havent tried it, since i usually turn off the older clouds.... But have you tried a Filter?

2010-11-17, 02:20 PM
I havent tried it, since i usually turn off the older clouds.... But have you tried a Filter?

No I have not tried a filter I will do that now and see.


Tried it and Filter does not give me Revision Clouds to select......they are Annotation Objects and I can add Subcategories to them but that is it. Sorry

2010-11-17, 03:22 PM
Yeah, i was at home with my laptop put away, but figured it was worth a shot. Interesting.

2010-11-17, 08:15 PM
750 clouds in one view? ouch...

2010-11-17, 09:08 PM
Why don't you setup your cloud to the small #3 penweight then when you add your new, over-ride graphics in view for those when you do them and change those to #4?

2010-11-17, 10:41 PM
It could be a real pain to un-over-ride those clouds when its time to issue revision #5.

2010-11-18, 05:55 PM
Yea eric... I knew that when I posted ...

I have never known a reason to keep old clouds when a new revision has been issued.