View Full Version : 2011 room tag
2010-11-19, 05:12 PM
Alright I have finally thrown my hands up in the air because I cannot figure this out.
I am working in autocad architecture 2011 and am doing a 3d drawing within that.
I have creating a floor plan with 3d walls, floor slab and windows.
I have then generated spaces within my cad drawing and did not specify the space name when I created it thinking that I would be able to edit it later.
I can open menus and things that show me the generic space name "Space (3)" or what not but I cannot edit this. Is there some default setting setup in my cad or am I creating these improperly.
I wanted to do this in this way to generate an easy room schedule.
If I am going about the process wrong just tell me what the right process is as I am newer at the whole room tagging/scheduling thing and in the past I have just done schedules as a table.
2010-11-19, 05:46 PM
Try selecting on of your spaces, goto the properties palette, and 4th row down should be "name". Is this the value its not letting you edit? There is a drop down just like there is in the style manager, but in the properties palette you should be able to type in whatever name you want or just select one from the list (I believe the lists can be set in the style manager).
Hope this helps
2010-11-19, 07:59 PM
I appreciate your reply. I can see the name under "edit property set data" but cannot click on it and edit it.
I can, however, edit the room number. Any idea what I am doing wrong.
Did I create these wrong?
2010-11-19, 08:07 PM
I think I may have figured it out now. I was either creating an associative or non-associative space and then tagging it with the wrong tag. I couldn't edit it ithen....
Can anybody spell out the differences for me?
2010-11-19, 09:30 PM
The name value in the *property set data* is locked, however the name vaule in the *general* tab of the properties palette is the one that can be modified, and the property set data uses that value (which is why you can't directly edit it in the property set data).
If I understand your problem correctly, this should help you out.
As far as I know (still learning spaces/schedules as well) there shouldn't be a difference between associative and non spaces in regards to tagging them.
2010-11-19, 11:27 PM
I figured out that in order to adjust the name of the room I had to click on the space, not the tag and then go to the property set data and change it.
I couldn't get it to adjust by just selecting the room tag and trying to fix it. This is why it was so frustrating to me because I had assumed I would tag and fix it by double clicking on it.
Im still working thru the whole schedule system because before I would just create them on my own.
Have you found that this is a better process with creating spaces then creating the tag...then creating the schedule and editing it accordingly or just creating your own text based room names and creating a table and filling it with the information you need?
Right now creating my own text table is more efficient but this may be because I am not as versed in the whole spaces/room tag method.
2010-11-20, 12:10 AM
Now I understand where you were getting stuck, I'm glad you were able to figure it out.
In our office, we still do schedules manually, but mostly because we're still figuring out ACA. But it seems like difference between manual and automatic schedules is mostly accuracy rather than time-savings. You're entering the same information, whether its in a table or its in the property set data. Being able to "see" the room you're editing helps keep you from mistakenly entering the wrong information.
example: You're less likely to accidently specify carpet in the bathroom since the toilets in plan should be a dead give-away, where as it wouldnt be as obvious if you were just looking at lines in a table.
As far as tags are concerned, if you're creating your schedules in modelspace, you can retrieve the spaces' property data by selecting the space itself. So in this case you can create your own text room tags and still have automatic schedules.
However, if you put schedules in paperspace, it won't let you (as far as I can tell) select any spaces through a viewport, so you would need AEC tags to be able to link that data to the schedule.
If you have the time, I would suggest using the automatic schedules. It just takes some getting used to before you become as/more efficient with it than manual schedules.
Hope this makes sense. I encourage anyone with ACA schedule experience to elaborate on this or correct me where I'm wrong, as schedules are pretty new to me as well.
2010-11-20, 12:19 AM
thanks for the input!
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