View Full Version : Create Camera in Section View...

2010-11-20, 10:20 PM
How long have we been able to create Camera views from within a section? I just tried it for the heck of it and it worked!!! :shock: Cool!

2010-11-21, 10:29 PM
...so you can - never would have thought of that, thanks for the tip :beer: :)

2010-11-22, 01:40 AM
Well...I went back to 2009 and I was able to create a camera in section...man o man..how come I didn't know about this?

...so you can - never would have thought of that, thanks for the tip :beer: :)

2010-11-23, 12:53 AM
Well...I went back to 2009 and I was able to create a camera in section...man o man..how come I didn't know about this?

Hi Luigi,
This feature has been around for a while.....there were demo videos in R7 I believe which showed placing camera views of isometric views with the Section Box creating the section and the new "poche" material was set to a blue or red color for visual punch.

I love section perspectives.
Have fun at AU!

2010-11-23, 01:52 PM
Hi Steve, I've made tons of section perspectives, I've used the poche in course view, I've copied the section box from orthagonal views to duplicate the view with new sections box....but I've never seen, heard, or tried to place a camera view while in a section.....I've always created a camera in Plan, then activated the already created 3Dview in section and manipulated it and the section box... I'm just glad I know now! :) Will I see you at AU this year?

Hi Luigi,
This feature has been around for a while.....there were demo videos in R7 I believe which showed placing camera views of isometric views with the Section Box creating the section and the new "poche" material was set to a blue or red color for visual punch.

I love section perspectives.
Have fun at AU!

2010-11-28, 05:09 PM
Hey Luigi,
Unfortunately, no. Our daughter (Patty's) is scheduled on Dec. 1..........to make us Grandparents!
I really wanted to be here for that! Hopefully, I will be at the RTC in June, and presenting.
We'll see.
Wish I could be there with you all and have a great time!