View Full Version : Apparent in-place family/component tagging inconsistency.

2010-11-22, 01:39 AM
I have a project that contains both library sourced and in-place created door component/families, and in-place created windows only.

I can number and schedule all the elements concerned, but Revit will only tag the library sourced doors, and the created in-place windows, but won't tag the created in-place door.

Does anyone have any tips/advice to get the in-place door to take a tag? Or do I just draft up a "fake" tag?


2010-11-22, 03:05 AM
And yet it tags the door in elevation as normal....

Alfredo Medina
2010-11-22, 03:28 AM
I made a test; I created a Model In-place door; then I applied a tag to it in plan view, as well as in elevation; the tags worked fine, and the door appears correctly in a door schedule. No problem at all. My test was done using Revit Architecture 2011.

2010-11-22, 03:35 AM
after what Alfredo said, maybe check your visibility settings, they are per view

2010-11-22, 04:27 AM
Update: Looks like the door did take a tag after all, but check out the attached pic to see where Revit put my many attempts...

... then go figure, 'cause that's what I'm doing...

Thanks for your help, and / or any further comments / observations..

2010-11-22, 03:17 PM
Does it still place the tags away from the door like the picture shows?

2010-11-22, 04:49 PM
Tony, you may want to check your in place door for any accidental space junk that is floating away from the door geometry. Revit usually tags to what it perceives as the center of geometry.

2010-11-22, 04:49 PM
Does it still place the tags away from the door like the picture shows?

Its going to place the Tag at the "center" of the In Place family. Are their reference planes in the family that reach really far out in to space like that?

2010-11-22, 04:50 PM
Good timing Aaron, ha :beer:

2010-11-22, 05:06 PM
Its going to place the Tag at the "center" of the In Place family. Are their reference planes in the family that reach really far out in to space like that?

That's what i was trying to get at! lol Wasn't sure if he had looked at that

2010-11-22, 09:35 PM
Checked the door in question, there are no stray or hidden objects or stray or hidden ref planes, etc. Just 5 objects - 1 x extrude and 4 x symbolic lines that constitute the door component.

I made a couple more "in place" doors for testing. All tags placed in that same position as shown in the attached picture.

At least I know where they are now...

2010-11-22, 09:46 PM
Looks like they tag to the Project Base Point (turned on for attached pic)...

2010-11-22, 10:03 PM
and the tags you are using are the same as the other door tags?

2010-11-22, 10:04 PM
That is quite bizarre. I can't begin to think of a logical reason for Revit doing this but I'm curious. Btw, is there a specific reason that you need to have this door as an in-place family instead of a stand alone door family?

2010-11-22, 10:26 PM
That is quite bizarre. I can't begin to think of a logical reason for Revit doing this but I'm curious. Btw, is there a specific reason that you need to have this door as an in-place family instead of a stand alone door family?

Because it's a one-off door and I thought it would be quicker, easier and more productive to just make it in-place.

I've also been in contact with Autodesk after logging a support request.