View Full Version : a easy question

2010-11-22, 08:17 PM
I have some louvers on the wall that will be demolished. after I change the phase to show previous + new, instead of showing a opening, the wall automatically filled that hole up w/ the same wall type(the same as doors). But we do not want to fill those holes. I was trying to use the wall opening, but if it cannot be the same size as the louver. What can I do?
hope my question is clear

2010-11-22, 08:28 PM
I have some louvers on the wall that will be demolished. after I change the phase to show previous + new, instead of showing a opening, the wall automatically filled that hole up w/ the same wall type(the same as doors). But we do not want to fill those holes. I was trying to use the wall opening, but if it cannot be the same size as the louver. What can I do?
hope my question is clear

Not sure why you wouldn't be able to make a wall opening the same size...? Could be a phase thing. I would assume that your wall and louver are both in a previous phase. Then your wall opening would be in the current phase. Although, I'm not sure wall openings can be phase related.
One way of reasoning through this that I read on another post somewhere a while ago, is that when you demo something from a building, you most likely need to replace it with something new. In the case of something that once cut thru a wall, you'd need some sort of frame around the opening. So...you can put in a cased opening, or, if you really do want to leave and show the raw edges of the opening (in real life) I assume you could make a new door family that is just the opening, without any frame or anything, then place that in the current phase in your project.
Many people have questioned the Revit default of inserting a wall automatically into a demoed opening.

2010-11-22, 08:35 PM
The only way I know how to do it is to have a wall within a wall.....thus you demolish the wall inside with the louver...no wall left means no infill....

2010-11-23, 12:47 AM
I just figured out that louvers are different as doors, they can stand alone. I changed the wall profile to have holes that did not delete the louvers.
problem solved