View Full Version : Imported drawings dropping linework

Brian F.
2003-10-07, 08:01 PM
I noticed on two occasions when importing an Autocad drawing to a drafting view that a significant amount of linework disappeared. At that point, one of the drawings became useless.

The problem occured when exploding the imported image. I get the "line(s) too short" warning but I hit "ok" to proceed anyway. I've checked visibility to confirm everything was on. The lines that dropped out were definitely as long as some of the other lines that remained. I've had the warning before when importing but did not notice anything significant disappearing.

A little puzzled as this only happened recently. Is there a difference when importing to say, a level as drafting lines or to a drafting view? Also, the imported image was created in Autocad ....ahem... R-12.

2003-10-07, 09:24 PM
There has been talk of arrowheads and leader lines disappearing in some cases.

I guess if twilight zone things are going to happen, thats more likely with R12 than not, and moreso if you explode.

Can you import the R12 into another legacy cad package and then export/ import from there. That could clean it up. Just an idea.

Brian F.
2003-10-07, 10:05 PM
Thanks. Had a suspicion about that and will try saving it in a newer version of Autocad. Seems like we still need to keep Autocad around.

We also experienced arrow heads dropping out. I also seem to remember solid filled elements (which the arrow heads were) dropping out.

2003-10-07, 10:19 PM
Solids, as in 2D reigons, are lost. As are ACIS solids. And Polyline widths. Three big things to watch out for. Other than that, the only times i've found problems with lines falling out and/or not being able to be snapped too was when the DWG wasn't 'flat'. Before I link (xref) a dwg into Revit I tend to run flatten, overkill, audit, then purge... seems to clear up any and all problems I've had, other than the bit about solids/polylines.