View Full Version : Area Calculations

2010-11-29, 10:30 PM
I have a problem where I am trying to create a schedule which will show me how much area we are missing for a given room type. For example, say we know the Total Required Area is 1000sf for a Room Type called Breakout and we have two rooms of this type with areas of 300sf and 500sf. Is there anyway to add 300sf and 500sf and subtract that from 1000sf? Seems like it should be something that Revit should be able to do but after looking on this forum I am starting to believe that the answer is No.

Another possibility would be if we knew that each room was supposed to be 500sf then we could subtract the Required Area Per Room from the Area on a room by room basis but this fails if we are missing a room and I know that we are missing rooms.

Any ideas?

Dimitri Harvalias
2010-11-30, 03:47 AM
You should be able to get most of the way there.
You don't need to place your rooms to have them scheduled in a project. You an create all your rooms by adding rows to the room schedule. Add a parameter for 'Required Program Area' and then create a calculated value called 'Area Difference' to subtract Required Program Area from Area. When you schedule your rooms you will see the area difference and those rooms not placed (missing) from the model will show in the area field as 'Not Placed'.

As for adding the area of a couple of rooms and subtracting it from a larger total area... might be a little tricky. See if this does what you need then we can try to tackle the other approach.

2015-06-23, 04:28 PM
I'm having the same problem. I was able to create a calculated value called Area Difference, but I can only get it to subtract one room Area at a time. I need it to total all 3 room types and then subtract that from the Required Program Area. Any suggestions?


2015-06-29, 02:59 PM
You need to do these by room types from a Key scehdule use the calculated values option if I remember right.