View Full Version : rooms disapearing????

Number 7
2010-11-30, 11:41 AM
i have a room that randomly disaprears from the plan view but remains in the schedule can still be seen in section, this is only happening to one particular room in a reasonably sized project.
I have already tried deleting and replacing it and the various walls that i thought were causing the problem but it is still not behaving correctly, has anyone come across this before?

2010-11-30, 05:16 PM
Yes. It's happening to me right now. Maddening. I don't see it in plan view (I have colour fill turned on - I see other rooms) and when I try to place a room in the area I get a warning that multiple rooms are in the same area. And then it doesn't show up. Try tagging and the tag goes invisible. But it shows up in section...!

2010-11-30, 05:35 PM
Yes. It's happening to me right now. Maddening. I don't see it in plan view (I have colour fill turned on - I see other rooms) and when I try to place a room in the area I get a warning that multiple rooms are in the same area. And then it doesn't show up. Try tagging and the tag goes invisible. But it shows up in section...!

Check the view range. Your cut off may be above the height of your room.

2010-11-30, 05:35 PM
Please consider posting simplified model here or reporting issue to support. Thanks.

2010-11-30, 05:48 PM
Checked view range, checked filters, turned on hidden items...no effect.

What did work in the end was drawing a new wall in parallel with walls that were defining the boundary but were from another workset. Then deleting and reapplying the room. Then deleting the new walls and it somehow then 'recognized' the walls from the other workset. Crazy mixed up world.