View Full Version : generating output graphs with various surface info

2011-01-12, 01:50 PM
Hello everyone!
I have a surface and would like to extract some interesting graphs about this surface.. namely, if:

A is the 2D area of the surface
Y is the mean slope of the surface
S is the main slope of the main stream
L is the the length of that stream
H the height of the surface at any given point

I would like to produce graphs

- H vs L = the profile plot of the stream (ok this I know how to produce)
- S vs L and Y vs L = these are slope graphs (stream and catchment area).
- %A vs L = thats the catchment area outflowing to any point in the stream. It is given as a percentage of the total area
- %A vs H = the catchment area plotted against the heights (similar to the above one)
- Y vs H = the mean slope of the catchment area against its height

I 'm not sure If it can be done and how to tackle it after creating the alignment..

Thank you very much for your help