View Full Version : View Range Problem

2003-05-10, 01:58 PM
Can someone please help.

See Images.

Thanks Todd.

2003-05-11, 01:07 AM

One possible solution is to open the family file of the window (while working in the family editor ) and edit the family element visibility settings of the geometry (to do this select on a piece model geometry then select visibility in the options bar), put a check mark next to display plan/rcp view. You'll have to do this for every piece of geometry that you want to view within your plan view.

Once the editing is complete save and reload the window family back into your project. You'll now have to edit the top clip plane offset for your view within the view range.

There are only a few categories for which an object located above the Cut Plane (but partially below the Top Clip) is shown in plan. These categories include Windows, Casework, and Generic Model. These objects are shown as viewed from above.

One problem that you'll encounter with this solution is that you will not see the cut opening for the window above in plan view (this is because your cut plane is not cutting the opening of the window). I would use detail lines, filled regions or linework to fill in the "gaps".

This is not the most pragmatic solution and there are probably other ways around this but I hope this helps you out.



2003-05-11, 09:46 AM

This particular problem has been much discussed historically. The trick that most people use, I was shown it by Chris Yearick though I don't know if he is the originator, is to open the window in the family editor and use an invisible symbolic line in elevation drawn from some point in the centre of the window down to the reference plane, or lower height you require.

The invisible line will pass through the cut plane and thus be shown in your plan view, even if it is set at the standard 1200 mm (I'm guessing you also use 4' as its clsoe to 1200 mm and shows most windows, kitchen stuff and sanitary ware).

As a rule I reccommend you make this window a duplicate of the standard so that you don't have any conflict with this window type then showing up wrongly in other plans. However, as a refinement of this trick I have sued the invisible line method in a number of light fittings and then anchored the bottom of the line to a ref plane some way below the light source and controlled the dimension between light source and ref plane as an instance parameter, this way I had control over where light fittings would show in electrical layouts in a building with a two storey void opening. You may wish t oexplore that trick in your window.


2003-05-15, 12:47 AM
PeterJ I have tried you method but had to use model lines as the symbolic lines did not work for me.

After re-loading the families the windows did show up but did not cut the wall, so I went ahead and solid filled the outlines and this worked fine but its the extra steps I would like to eliminate.

Next I'm going to try JKendsersky's method to see the difference.

Wes posted a similar type of view range problem, check it out.

Thanks Todd

2003-05-15, 02:06 AM

Another solution (while working within the project) is to set the cut plane height to cut the window above. Sketch some detail lines and align / lock them to the window above, reset your cut plane (when the window above moves, the detail lines that you made will also move.) This solution may be good for the condition that you describe, especially if there are only a few instances where the window(s) is a above. This way you don't have to edit the windows within the family editor.
