View Full Version : Demolish tool improvements? I have a suggestion!

2011-01-25, 09:18 PM
Is there ever any consideration given to increasing the complexity of the demolish tool? Adding more control, more features, making it more refined?

For example, more often than not, when using 'Demolish' I need to demolish only PART of a wall, or PART of a roof. I realize that I could create two separate items and demolish one or split the item and then demolish what I require however it would be nice if that could all be accomplished through the demolish process.

If there were an available step within 'Demolish' to specify a certain portion of an item then that would allow you to maintain that item in its true original state in your Existing Phase.

Scott Womack
2011-01-26, 12:09 PM
The tool would then have to work differently for each type of system family you select to demolish. It is not going to think for you. Besides, I have not even heard any rumblings at the Factory about this tool.

2011-01-26, 01:39 PM
A partial fix would be for Opening objects to respect phasing. If i put a New Shaft Opening object in an Existing floor, I don't want a hole in my Existing phase! Been on my wishlist forever ;(

2011-01-27, 09:09 AM
I will Second Making Opening Phase Aware!

I do some of my Demo work using a Faced Based Component Family, slap it onto anything & it demo's it.