View Full Version : lines vs. drafting lines

2005-01-03, 11:24 PM
Can anyone explain to me the difference between lines (i guess these are model lines?)and drafting lines. I want to draw parts of my site plan (i.e. curbs, edges of streets, etc.) on the drawing but i'm not really sure what is the correct way. one thing i have noticed is that i can't draw lines anywhere except the first floor level or else they won't show up. However, the drafting lines will show. also, is there any good source for information on this topic? the revit help guide is not very clear.

2005-01-03, 11:29 PM
There are two kinds of Lines in Revit:

Model Lines - These are like AutoCAD lines, in that they exist in 3D space. If you want to draw them somewhere else other than the floorplan, you've got to change your workplain, simular to the UCS of AutoCAD. This is what it defaults to when you click the 'lines' on the Basic toolbar, IIRC. These are perfect for drawing things you visable in all views, i.e. site lines & such.

Detail Lines - These are lines that only exist within the view they are drawn in. They are drawn 'over' the model view, kinda like drawing in Paperspace over a viewport. You can find these on the Drafting toolbar. But only kinda like drawing in Paperspace in AutoCAD, for you can still dimension off of them, tie them down to things in your model, and use them to layout and align things...

Both Line types use the same settings for style, which can be found within the Settings Menu.

2005-01-04, 12:29 AM
thank you. you've been most helpful.

2005-01-04, 03:25 PM
Very nice, clear explanation Jeffrey. Couldn't have said it better myself. I think it is a candidate for the FAQ forum.