View Full Version : Reloading a linked model

2011-02-03, 03:13 PM
Just wondering if anyone can tell me the answer to the question.
I have a model with several linked revit models in it. Multiple people working on the project, all in the same office, so we have central and local files.
If person A opens their local file is working in it for a bit and they get an updated linked model. So they put they replaced the linked model on the network. Person A (while still in their local file) reloads the links via the link manager. Person A then saves to Central.

Person B (also working in their local file) is told that the link has been updated.
Dose person B have to reload the links via the link manager or can they just save to central?

ie if one person reloads an updated link via the link manager and saves to central, will the rest of the team see the updated model if they just save to central?
Thanks in advance.

2011-02-03, 03:35 PM
I think they would need to reload them to update their local as well.....or close out and create a new local file...unless something changed on 2011 this is what we have had to do...

2011-02-03, 05:10 PM
I'm not so sure that's true anymore. I was thinking about it a little more and if you have dimensions between a linked model your model, if you updated the link and save to central, that dimension should updated across the board right? So Hence I think if you were to re-load the link and save to central and someone else re-loads latest, I'm thinking that change should show up.
Interesting puzzle not so sure I'm going to spend time to test it. But if anyone else is board today.......

2011-02-03, 06:21 PM
There are quirks with Linked Models Reload/Unload and Local/Central relationships that take algorithms to explain and lots of chalkboards (I've tried, we filled the dry erase wall and no one understood it and we all left feeling like we'd sat through calculus in a foreign language). It all comes down to timing and when the Local files were created from the Central.

In your example, if User A and User B both created Local Files in succession after each other: A, then B. Then, your scenario should work. However, if B created a Local file yesterday, and A just a few minutes ago... Well, then you might have a problem. Emphasis on might. And, hopefully nowhere since B created his or her local did anyone Unload the link in question.

Generally, the users should be okay, but the trick I think that has seemed to work for us is not to Reload, but to Reload From. That seems to set the Central File as if in a new state. Reload seems (and I am making a leap of faith) to just refresh that Local File session, and the ID number is not affected or something or other isn't "set" to know it truly is an updated link... Whereas Reload From kicks the Central File into a mode where it knows the link is changed. Then, after that, everyone else can Save to Central and get the updated link.

However, best practice or large jobs that eliminates any coordination concerns? Reload the file, SWC, and have everyone else create new local files. Done. & totally coordinated.

Good luck.

2011-02-03, 06:28 PM
Curious timing, I was looking at this the other day. In the past I've found that users unloading a link would create a "cycle-of-reloading" for everyone else. When I did some testing on my own computer attempting to simulate the situation Revit updates every time. When I'm in a LAN it doesn't.

In the case described, if the file is updated via Reload From (as described by Digihummingbird) it should only require a Reload Latest from other users to see the update. A SwC would accomplish that too since reloading is part of that process.

2011-02-04, 04:09 AM
Y'know, you could speculate on what would happen all day. Wouldn't it be easier just to try it and see what happens? You know the famous last words, don't you? Y'all watch this...!

2011-02-04, 05:51 AM
Y'all watch this...! Hold my :beer: