View Full Version : Nominal Ceiling Height Tag

2011-02-03, 05:22 PM
We like our tags in plan to show the 'nominal' ceiling height. That is, a ceiling composed of 2x6 framing with 5/8" gypsum board on the underside would be framed so that the bottom of framing is at, say, 9'-0" and that's what I want my tag to read instead of 8'-11 3/8". Any way to do this?

2011-02-03, 07:16 PM

Edit your Ceiling Tag. Select the ceiling height label. Click "Label>Edit.." Click in the "Height Offset from Level" box.

At the bottom of the dialog, an icon activates, and when you hold your cursor over it, it displays "Edit parameter's units format." Click it.

Click off "Use project settings" and round as desired.

2011-02-03, 07:32 PM
Thanks. That works for rounding to the nearest - is there any way to round up? Per my example, I want it to read +9'-0" but it's displaying +8'-11"

2011-02-04, 02:22 PM
I've wanted to do the same for years and haven't found a good method besides not modeling the gyp on the underside of the ceiling or modeling it seperately and hiding it when you want to tag.... or just using text.... or noting in your tag that it is a finished height... or any other method other than taging that you can think off :banghead: