View Full Version : Splitting wall sweep

2011-02-07, 04:51 PM
Is there not a way to split wall sweep independent of its host wall; e.g., have it start and stop along one (1) continuous piece of wall? (Without being cut by inserts like doors, etc.) I need to edit and stretch the sweep independently of the wall geometry. I am not turning corners or anything complicated, this is all in one plane.

I can create the first sweep no problem, which I can then successfully edit to the appropriate width using the control points.

If I try to add another sweep at the same level offset, I get an error about overlapping sweeps (the sweep defaults to the entire length of the wall). If I try to copy over the piece of sweep previously edited, I get the super-helpful "element was deleted" error.

Basically I need one wall with several independent bits of sweep at the same level offset. This seems very simple in concept but its not working for me today.

2011-02-07, 08:54 PM
Try adding one, make it shorter then copy it to say the right.

2011-02-07, 09:35 PM
Does that work on your machine? It doesn't on mine for some reason. I get the "element was deleted" error after every attempt at copying it over. Must be something else going on somewhere.

2011-02-07, 10:07 PM
Thanks Daniel. I was able to reproduce your quick "sample" model verbatim by doing the folllowing:

1. make first sweep (appears across entire length of wall)
2. edit to desired length with handles
3. make next sweep below it at a different offset. appears across entire length of wall
4. edit to desired length with handles
5. move sweep up aligned with first sweep (by typing into active dimension fields)
6. repeat 3-5

However, it is still difficult to move sweeps up or down and impossible to move sweeps left or right (they have to be "edited" left or right, not "moved". They can however be "moved" up and down by typing into the active dimensions. They cannot be "moved" by "moving" or "copying", at least on my machine they get all squirrelly and disappear into the wall, end up a few inches from the reverse face of the wall, or just disappear outright.

In my "real" model the situation is even worse as the wall already has inserts, making the performance even more erratic.

Oh well, got a workaround now so ever onward.

Good grief Revit. Always with the Mondays.

2011-02-08, 12:04 AM
Interesting because i can use the Move tool without any problem

2011-02-08, 05:36 PM
5. move sweep up aligned with first sweep (by typing into active dimension fields)

Or, you could use the align tool and lock it once aligned, that way if you need to change the height of the wall sweep, you know that the whole string of them will move together instead of having to go and change the height on multiple instances of the "same sweep"

We had this issue on a large project where the main room had wood trim sweeps around it, locked alignments made it easy for us to change the spacing based on the designers ever-changing requests.