View Full Version : Hide previously issued revisions

2011-02-08, 03:11 PM
I posted this same question in the MEP forum (my home base) but thought I might get more hits over here.

We have a job that has multiple addendums (revision clouds and deltas) and obviously they show up in the title block. We are now going to be issuing ASIs so we want to hide the revisions on the sheet (easy enough) but also remove the addendum info from the title block. This part we can't figure out. Our revisions are set up to be PER SHEET.

Any thoughts on how we can accomplish this? Deleting & merging the addendum revisions is not an option.


2011-02-08, 03:23 PM
Are you trying to selectively show some revisions? or simply not showing any at all?

2011-02-08, 03:36 PM
It would basically be a selective hide and show. In the attached image (as an example) we have Addendum 1-3. We want to keep a record of those in the project model in the unlikely event we need to replot a set that shows where those changes occurred. So the end result would be that we still have the clouds and deltas for addendums 1-3 (but they don't show) and ASIs 1 & 2 would show up in the title block as revisions 1 & 2 to that particular sheet even though addendums 1-3 are also on that sheet.

Confusing enough? :)

2011-02-08, 04:04 PM
After some Googling, I've found the answer that I was looking for although not the easiest solution when you have a lot of sheets, but it DOES work.

Bullet #2.... http://do-u-revit.blogspot.com/2008/09/revisions.html (http://do-u-revit.blogspot.com/2008/09/revisions.html)


2011-03-01, 04:17 PM
-hide future revisions-
the blogspot on revisions was very useful.
However, is there a way to hide "revision sets" from the revision list?

Real-world example:
We have a large team and we could be working on multiple addenda. We already know several packages in advance, which revisions will need to be issued. However, we can only cloud those revisions which will be issued immediately (othewise you would have future revisions showing up on the revision list).

This is why we would like to cloud all changes that will be issued over the next few packages, but only display certain clouds and certain revisions on the list.

So, is there a way to hide revisions from the revision list?

2011-06-07, 01:18 PM
*bump* Has anyone figured this out? I am struggling with the same issue.