View Full Version : Distance Command

2011-02-18, 06:14 PM
Is there a way to make the distance command stay distance and you don't have to continually reselect it?! It is very annoying the way it is. And if you cancel out of it and you go back to previous command - it does not auto select DISTANCE!

The change to this command is irritating.

2011-02-18, 06:46 PM
I can't pinpoint your problem. Please shed more light.

Are you referring to the DIST command (used to measure distance) or the system variable DISTANCE (stores the distance measured by DIST)?

and, What is the "change" you are referring to?

2011-02-18, 07:38 PM
The command I was referring to is _MEASUREGEOM - used to get the distance between two points.

It USED to work that you invoked the command, picked two points and read the distance and went on your merry way....NOW the command stays invoked and if you want to get out of it you have to hit esc repeatedly. But if you want to repeat getting a distance, you have to click the distance in the menu (at the pointer) for each distance that you want. AND if you do get out of the command and decide to 'repeat last command', it brings up the menu at the pointer again, instead of actually going to take the distance.

My complaint is that it actually requires more clicking and/or keyboard entry than it did before. I want to shut off the additional 'features'.


It does look like DIST would solve that....I just use the button on the ribbon and that is the one with the strange command.

Guess I could reprogram the button to DIST!

2011-02-18, 07:51 PM
I just moved that button down and made a new one that was for DIST.

Thanks so much for your help! Yay, good idea for a Friday afternoon.

2011-02-20, 06:17 AM
I never knew I could help just by asking some clarification. :D

I don't have the _measuregeom command. I'm using 2008. I think its new in later releases. I'll check that one for myself.

2011-02-21, 10:12 AM
I never knew I could help just by asking some clarification. :D

Surprising, isn't it? :)

I don't have the _measuregeom command. I'm using 2008. I think its new in later releases. I'll check that one for myself.

Yes, it was new in 2010 and revised for 2011 (according to Hyperpics (http://www.hyperpics.com/commands/)).