View Full Version : Path Type for linked files

2011-02-25, 03:03 PM
I have about ten project files representing ten separate buildings. I have another project file representing the site. Each of these project files have their own folder which are in the same parent folder. When I bundle up the project files and email them off to an associate who extracts them to a single parent folder, upon opening the site project file, the linked Revit project files are not found. Does that have anything to do with Relative vs Absolute path and is there a way to avoid this problem?

The same thing happens with linked AutoCAD files.

2011-02-25, 05:37 PM
Yes, it does! To avoid it; follow this > Use Relative Path and when the files are extracted, the associated file will be found, no matter where is, as long as it is on the same diskdrive.

If you use Absolute Path, your Associate would required to have the same files structure, which we both know is highly unlikely.

Good Luck!