View Full Version : "Element has become corrupt"

2011-02-25, 04:36 PM
Every time I open this file I receive an error saying this element (4341109) has become corrupt at some time before this ssession and to save the file as a recovery file and the element will be deleted. I tried to save as a recovery file, but then I receive an error that my Revit license is unavailable and Revit quits w/o saving the recovery file.

This is occuring on at least 3 computers with the same file.

Now, the original computer that was working on the file- that contains the backups, was able to successfully save a recovery file from one of the backups. All is not lost- but I'm really curious if anyone else has had this problem and what they've done to prevent/work around it.


Paul Monsef
2011-02-26, 02:53 PM
Every time I open this file I receive an error saying this element (4341109) has become corrupt at some time before this ssession and to save the file as a recovery file and the element will be deleted. I tried to save as a recovery file, but then I receive an error that my Revit license is unavailable and Revit quits w/o saving the recovery file.

This is occuring on at least 3 computers with the same file.

Now, the original computer that was working on the file- that contains the backups, was able to successfully save a recovery file from one of the backups. All is not lost- but I'm really curious if anyone else has had this problem and what they've done to prevent/work around it.

I've had elements end up corrupt... If you can open the file delete the element via 'select by ID'; then save reopen with an AUDIT.

If that doesn't work send the file to Autodesk.