View Full Version : Tiny DLL

2011-02-28, 11:33 PM
I posted this first @revitforum, but will love to share it here.

The original text (copy-paste) from http://www.revitforum.org/showthread.php/764-New-API-utility is:

"Sorry if this is not the correct place for posting, but this solves some issues I always had and usually found in support posts.
So, while tired of coding a big project I stoped and made this tiny DLL (less than 100 lines of code).
When you run it, he looks for some parameters of certain types:
"HandFlipped" type Yes/No, "FacingFlipped" type Yes/No, "Mirrored" type Yes/No, "Pinned" type Yes/No, "Group" type Text and "Super" type Text.
And doesn't care if the parameter is shared or not.
When you run the dll, the app will fill those parameters whenever it finds them. The DLL also does not care about categories, so you can use it with any.
So, no more excuses for not making left/right door schedules or finding the mirrored curtain panel.
The "Super" parameter will be fill with the Mark of it's supercomponent, so also no more complains about not being able to find the family where that shared component was inserted and manage that.
The "Group" parameter does exactly that: gets the group name if that component is in a group.
I have not made a manifest file, but you can run the DLL with the Add-In Manager that comes with the SDK (automatic mode, by the way).
Well, that's it.

I think it says it all.
I didn't post this in the API section because it's more about parameters than C#.
And probably sorts out a few issues in some very old posts.
Hope this helps some users out there.

2011-03-03, 11:21 PM
Here is a pic explaining what it does.