View Full Version : animation

Steve Jager
2003-10-08, 06:49 PM
Does any know if Revit can do a spiral up or down? Like flying?

Allen Lacy
2003-10-08, 07:08 PM
I've only been able to do a "fly-over" at one height. Check out this thread (http://www.zoogdesign.com/forums/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1195&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=30).

Scott D Davis
2003-10-08, 08:18 PM
yes, it can! As you are placing your cameras with the walkthrough tool, change the elevation of the camera in the options bar at the top (relative to a plan). I'm exporting an AVI of a little test model right now, will post it in a few minutes if it comes out small enough.....

Scott D Davis
2003-10-08, 08:51 PM
ok, heres a quick walkthrough AVI with a downward spiral view around the building. I did the walkthrough from 20 feet high to zero, as the path works around the building. The Revit AVI was HUGE, at 160 megs, so I took it into Paint Shop Pro Animation shop, and ran the optimization wizard which got it down to just over a meg. The AVI is ZIP'd, AVI's not allowed.....

I was not concened with the quality (its a bit blurry looking) more with the downward spiral effect.

It took some time and patience to get it set up and looking correct. After placing the path with varying heights, you have to go to a plan view to point the cameras at the subject, then to a 3D view to aim the cameras at the building (azimuth). Otherwise your cameras remain horizontal-looking, meaning if your camera is at 20 feet, then the target is at 20 feet.

Makes me want to do some 'real' animations!

2003-10-08, 09:30 PM
After walkthrough was created in plan view you can open an elevation or section view, select walkthrough in the browser and press show camera on context menu. Then you can Edit Walkthrogh (in option bar) and adjust elevation of control points.

Allen Lacy
2003-10-08, 09:33 PM
That's cool. I just tried one on a site I did about a month ago. For the presentation I did a fully rendered version that took about 14 hours to process and was 328,000 kb! Didn't know about the change in level then. Wish I had. :(

Scott D Davis
2003-10-08, 10:19 PM
After walkthrough was created in plan view you can open an elevation or section view, select walkthrough in the browser and press show camera on context menu. Then you can Edit Walkthrogh (in option bar) and adjust elevation of control points.

Ahh! I was wondering how to do that. I couldn't change the elevation of the cameras before! It is still a bit tricky, and takes some manipulation to get it right. Would be nice to right-click on the cameras at the key frames, and change their eye and target point elevations under the Properties.