View Full Version : Massing Sloped Walls Workflow

2011-03-01, 06:17 PM
Augi Faithful,

Please take a quick look at the attached. I am in a massing cul-de-sac that will not release me, I just do not know the best way to proceed. The main volume of the building has canted walls on all four sides and various layers of detail, also at the same slant: 7 degrees. The renderings were done out-of-house in Max from AutoCAD drawings, where we have been wallowing up till now.

I have the basic massing done and it is correct, but I am having a hell of time actually getting the details in there so I can effective use wall by face in the main Revit environment to make walls and curtain walls. Then too, I am worried that how I created the massing this far doesn’t make ton of sense if I have to modify it…and we all know I will have to modify it.

This is more fo a work-flow question I suppose. If I just needed to model this and be done with it it would be one thing, but I will need to go back and adjust the massing if I want to update anything. So far my attempts to get this level of detail into the mass have been not very sustainable, I could get something out but if I have to go back and alter anything I am essentially at square one.

What do the big boys and girls do in this situation. I have been thinking and trying ways to get it to work for a while now and I am having a hard time thinking I am not missing something.

Here are my methods this far:

1. Load some line work from AutoCAD and try to use it to transfer the outline of the windows systems to the mass and then make voids that line work. This might have worked but the method of transferring he line work to the mass was arduous at best.
2. I made simple planes for each of the items thinking I could just make a huge section of wall at 7 degrees and just edits it profile in the main environment...but you cannot do that on a wall that is by-face.
3. I made a path on level one, hosted multiple points and then profiles on those points to hopefully loft the mass in one go. This was an ahha moment from the shower until I realize I couldn’t turn the corner with my loft if I have more than one profile on it. The idea was that I could come back and just edit the profiles to get the changes I needed, if I needed them.
4. I am nearly ready to do the profile thing in #3, but one for each side, void the chamfer angle for each side and put it together. I am not at all convinced that this will work, really, though.

A nudge in the right direction would be ideal, and all I am really after is the best way to get the window plane info voided out of the mass, or build up the entire mass with that info already there in such a fashion that I can relatively easily update it.

Needless to say I would love to be able to just put in angled components in the main workspace, or to have item #2 functionality, which seems like a decent idea. J
