View Full Version : adjust roof pitch

2011-03-08, 02:13 AM
I'm having a little struggle with roofs in 2011. Just switched and as embarrassed as I am to ask this question- How do I set the roof pitch before creating a roof . It keeps drawing a 9"/12" and I have to change every line as I go. How do I set the pitch prior to creating? This is kindergarten stuff. Throw me a rope!

2011-03-08, 02:55 AM
Simple select the sketch line and edit the value either in the properties or by clicking the slope icon :)
And dont be afraid to ask

2011-03-08, 02:57 AM
Thanks dhurtubise but what's with having to select each line and change it after you draw it. Why can't I set the pitch before I start drawing?? This option is not available in properties.

2011-03-08, 03:05 AM
The option is not there because it's attached to a line that you havent draw yet.
But you can select all lines and change the value at once.

2011-03-08, 01:11 PM
A long time ago, I was able to change the default slope to 6:12 in our template. I was pretty sure it had to do with create similar. But now it doesn't work. I'm pretty sure I could create a roof sketch line, set the properties and then use the create similar to set the defaults of new sketch lines from that point on. Now in sketch mode create similar is no longer available.... which is frustrating. Maybe I'm wrong about create similar in sketch mode, but I know I was able to set the default slope to 6 in our office.

2011-03-09, 04:51 PM
I find this absolutely hilarious that you can't even set a roof pitch prior to drawing. Who slept through that one?

Garry Steinhilber
2011-05-05, 11:13 PM
I am there right now myself. I want to draw a 4/12 pitch roof and Revit keeps defaulting to 9/12 pitch. I found no answers in the different forums. I was hoping for an answer as I have an entire townhouse project with multiple buildings to roof. :(

2011-05-05, 11:41 PM
Draw all the lines, set all the "defines slope"s, THEN change slope in the PROPERTIES.