View Full Version : Edit Cut Profile

2003-10-08, 11:01 PM
Is anyone aware of a way to control the line weight of the lines when using the Edit Cut Profile Tool. The lines won't responed to the linework tool and I can't seem to fine in the line styles or object style dialog boxes.


2003-10-08, 11:33 PM
The linework of a cut profile takes on the same object style as the element. The linework tool should operate on the entire element ie a floor slab, including the cut profile.

2003-10-08, 11:33 PM
Under View Properties.. change the scale.

2003-10-08, 11:45 PM
Under View Properties.. change the scale.

Model line weights are dependent on the view scale globally, but grover is attepting to adjust the lineweight of one element without changing the others. ( I think ) A change of view scale, which may not be desirable anyway, will change all the lineweights relative to each other, so the effect will be be similar in terms of hierachies of line weight.

2003-10-09, 03:25 AM

I can change the element to which I used the cut profile tool using the linework tool, but the area to I've changed does not reflect the lines of the element. Any thoughts?


2003-10-09, 05:03 AM

I can change the element to which I used the cut profile tool using the linework tool, but the area to I've changed does not reflect the lines of the element. Any thoughts?


To be honest, no. I havn't had that happen. Can you post an image ?

Sudden thought - is there topo fill ( or similar ) adjoining which may touch the profile linework and stuff up the visual ?

I assume the cut profile is correctly joined to its host ( stupid question number 101 )

2003-10-09, 01:36 PM
Thanks for taking a look at this. I've attached a file which represents my conditions in my"real" project. It is an odd thing...


2003-10-10, 03:59 AM

The roof linework in the call out has been changed using the linework tool.
When you edit cut profile, the profile takes on the "normal" roof properties ie lineweight 5 when cut.

So you can either reset the rest of the roof linework using "by category", or amend your object style for the Roof to have a thinner lineweight, in which case the cut profile will take on that property.

2003-10-10, 02:04 PM

Thanks for looking at this. Yes I had changed the roof linework with the linework tool. So when the profile takes on the "normal" lineweight of the roof it can not be changed with the linework tool. Ok, now if I change the roof linework using "by category" is that view specific? If I understand the object style, by changing that value it would change for the whole project, in all views. Is that correct?

Thanks for your help.

2003-10-10, 02:26 PM
Yaa shoer yoo betcha...linework is view specific.

2003-10-10, 07:31 PM
Where can you "reset" the roof linework using "by category"...I see where I can change it in the object style, but that affects the whole project not just the view.


2003-10-10, 09:09 PM
Sorry, but it is simple yet tedious, you use the linework tool on them again but this time apply the linetype "By Category" instead.