View Full Version : WHY CAN'T I POST YET? !!!!!

2011-03-15, 01:24 PM
This is very frustrating. Seems others are posting. I get logged out immediately after I post, if by the freak chance I am actually able to post!!!!

And the user name thing if I try to request it gives an error about authorization.

2011-03-15, 01:26 PM
let me guess; did I try to clear my cookies..YES
did I use the 'remember me' function..NO

2011-03-15, 01:28 PM
Three posts in a row without getting logged out, new record, but I have not navigated away from the thread yet, that is where the trouble comes

2011-03-15, 01:30 PM
sure would like my old username back ~ Baldwin_4-6-0

2011-03-15, 01:32 PM
Yup, I navigated away from this thread and tried to post on another and got logged out again!

2011-03-15, 01:58 PM
i wanted to look @ an attachment yesterday, so i had to log in (must of logged-out due to in-activity)

no matter what i did, it didnt work.

so i gave up. but, its working right again this morning.

2011-03-15, 03:58 PM
i wanted to look @ an attachment yesterday, so i had to log in (must of logged-out due to in-activity)

no matter what i did, it didnt work.

so i gave up. but, its working right again this morning.

Hey! Me too.
But like you said, it's working fine today.

@ jws, I'm sorry you're having such troubles. :?

2011-03-16, 04:53 AM
You know its weird that you login then out... then back in again.

I blame the train. Its very weird but it looks like it keeps going forwards and backwards again. Get a gif with a train just going forward. I bet you'll stay logged in then. :D

2011-03-16, 01:17 PM
You know its weird that you login then out... then back in again.

I blame the train. Its very weird but it looks like it keeps going forwards and backwards again. Get a gif with a train just going forward. I bet you'll stay logged in then. :D

lol, good one :)

2011-03-16, 08:08 PM
I feel your pain, John.
Maybe not quite as bad as you, but I do lose my Login every once in a while.
Just now, I went to do a Search & it told me I had to Log In. So I click on the "Login" link, and it pops me to a page that says "Welcome DaveP" with only an option to Log OUT!
I assume behind the scenes somewhere are two sets of credentials that do not get passed properly.
Have you sent an email to the moderators about this? Not guaranteed to fix anything, but that's a better method of letting them know. It's hit or miss if they see a post, but they do get the email. IIRC, it's moderator@augi.com. But it might be mods or moderators. Can't remember now.

2011-03-17, 10:12 PM
Try the forums@augi.com or you could use the Contact Us page at the bottom of every forum page.

As stupid as it sounds, check the Keep Me Logged In option when logging in. It won't actually keep you logged into the forums, but it will make login a little easier from the forums.

We are working on the problem. The forum software was updated after the December migration. This new version has additional security measures to consider when trying to integrate with a single sign on solution.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.