View Full Version : Revit Tutorial videos - worth paying for?

2011-03-16, 08:19 PM
wondering what peoples opinions are on video tutorials for software.

Has anyone used any?

while searching for (free) instructional videos for a particular task I stumbled across some pretty good ones but they were just a couple within an entire DVD which could be purchased for like 80$.
This is the one-

I am very new to revit and really need a good tutorial, many videos ive seen tend to assume you already know how to do many basic tasks that I really dont know yet.

2011-03-17, 12:29 AM
Never been a big fan of those since they are very generic.
Might be good when you start but you hit a wall pretty quickly. Nothing beats training and support.

2011-03-17, 06:09 AM
Only you can say for sure... we all learn a little differently. There is a ton of information available these days between books, forums, blogs, YouTube, Autodesk's own site, subscription, the built-in introductory tutorials. If you are starting out then maybe a basic video like you asked about will be right up your alley.

2011-03-17, 09:31 AM
Completely agree with Steve. I would start with the blogs to be honest. Revit Detail, The Revit Kid, Buildz have good videos. Plus you can get great written tutorials at The Revit Clinic and of course Revit OpEd!

- Steve, you shouldn't be afraid to plug your own blog ;)

The Revit kid is a good starting point perhaps because among his own video tutorials, he keeps a good eye on other blogs for useful posts but I would subscribe to them all. I myself subscribe to 50 although the majority are quite inactive.

2011-03-17, 11:58 PM
Take a look at some of the video clips over at CadClips and judge for yourself. You can go through quite a few lessons for free, then you just have to pay for access.

I've heard some folks get a months access and download everything they can.. Or so I've heard..

Nice thing about how he teaches is, when he makes a mistake, he doesn't cut the video, he works through it right there on screen.

Well worth taking a gander at the freebies anyway..

2011-03-18, 01:40 PM
Dave Baldacchino posted this (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=1109977#post1109977)a few weeks ago. When you have been using Revit for so long, there are many tools or techniques that you never explore once you have found you own particular method of working. Always good to refresh your techniques by looking at others.

2011-03-18, 08:11 PM
I was once solicited by a company to purchase video tutorials. I searched youtube and found them there for free.