View Full Version : Door Won't pick up it's To/From Room?

2011-03-17, 10:08 AM
I have a door in an external wall.

When i come to schedule it, it will not pick up the room it is in?

It picks up the External Paved Area created using Room boundary lines, but not the little Breaching Inlet Room, which is the room i want it to pick up?

If i place a door in the opposite wall of this room it picks up both rooms.

Any ideas?

I have attached a couple of images to try help.

Many thanks,


2011-03-17, 12:28 PM
It appears the size of the room is the issue.

Try tiling the door schedule and the plan view on your screen. Then drag the wall opposite the door back and eventually the schedule picks up the room.

One work-around would be to manually type in the room # once the schedule is placed on a sheet.

Then report the bug.

2011-03-17, 12:36 PM

Thanks, that worked. Quite annoying though as obviously i have to keep the room that size, and considering it worked with the same size room, with the door in the opposite wall is weird!

I have cheated on sheets before like that and as soon as you begin adding doors etc, you end up having to edit the sheet too, with a bit of chasing around. But looks like my only option for now. Shall report the bug too.
