View Full Version : Expose Wall Layers in 3d

2011-03-21, 12:26 PM
Sorry if this has already been asked / answered my searches haven't returned anything useful so far.

Is it possible in 3d views (or others) to hide certain layers of walls and expose other layers? For example hiding all internal and external finishes and leave only the core layers visible?


2011-03-21, 05:18 PM
Nope....you would have to model each finish separately...which is what some people do for details...

Since I work with concrete though I have my concrete walls on a different workset and all furring and exterior finish on a workset as well...thus I can show the structural only.

2011-03-21, 05:20 PM
Thanks. Maybe I'll do the same with a different walls for different parts of the wall on worksets.

Ning Zhou
2011-03-22, 01:33 PM
looks like upcoming 2012 version can do that -> turn design model to construction model to some extent.

Dimitri Harvalias
2011-03-22, 04:37 PM
Joe is correct. The new 'parts' tools allow you to do something along these lines. You can then selectively display whichever layers you want.
If you're looking for that 'peeled back' look for 3D assembly drawings then you'll need to do a little 'dividing' of parts as well.

2011-03-22, 06:50 PM
Some things couldn't be mentioned yet... ;)

2011-03-23, 10:51 AM
Looks promising... :-)