View Full Version : Wall Layer Problem

2011-03-24, 02:09 PM
Hi everyone.

I have a HUGE PROBLEM doing wall sections for my architectural plans.
The problem is that my boss and the architect are asking for what I beleive is impossible. But meaby someone might have the answer I am looking for.

Here it is.

I cut a section in a wall. See sketch A.

I apply 2D detail and reapeating detail to that section. See sketch B.
My boss thinks this should be done automatically by revit. Even if I assign materials with cut patterns to my wall layer elements, how would I get my dotted lines to line up properly for my wall cladding and my membrane layer?

The Architect wants all my wall layers and roof layers to seperate so they can be seen better. See sketch C and D.
He thinks that revit probably has a command that lets you seperate, or disasociate, 3D elements to let you move them in section or callout without actually moving them in the rest of the model.

So in other words, does anyone know how, or if, I can get revit to go from my sketch A to my sketch C and D automatically?


2011-03-24, 11:53 PM
unfortunately, there's no way to do this w Revit... at least not with retaining any practical level of reality. The issue with this type of graphical representation is that Revit won't let you (easily) fake dimensions. So when you dimension the wall thickness in a "C" or "D" detail - you'll get a larger dim than what the true wall thickness is. In order to get it right, you'll have to make the layers thinner they they really are. (5/8" gwb + 3 5/8" mtl stud + 5/8" gwb = 4 7/8" > but if you want space between the stud and the gwb, you'll have to build it like 5/8" gwb + 1/8" space + 3 3/8" stud + 1/8" space + 5/8")...

2011-03-25, 12:16 AM
Although! I hear in RAC 2012 you can "view parts" which you could view the wall in ortho or iso and pull the layers back in order to show a cut away of the elements. not the same as having Revit automatically "separate" the layers but it could make your boss happy if they were to pay the $$$ for 2012.

Good luck!