View Full Version : Version 6.0?
2003-10-09, 01:18 PM
I have been hearing a lot of rumors about Version 6, as well as the fact that it is going to fix a lot of the problems that we have been encountering on our particular project.
Little stuff, like columns not showing up on RCPs, custom structural families not showing up on floor plans, mullions disappearing on know LITTLE stuff. :? :shock: :x
What is the projected release date?
2003-10-09, 01:33 PM
I have been hearing a lot of rumors about Version 6, as well as the fact that it is going to fix a lot of the problems that we have been encountering on our particular project.
Little stuff, like columns not showing up on RCPs, custom structural families not showing up on floor plans, mullions disappearing on know LITTLE stuff. :? :shock: :x
What is the projected release date?
I'm guessing sometime before december 1
Arnel Aguel
2003-10-09, 02:51 PM
Aside from those small stuff fixes what would be your expectations in terms of new features/enhancements?
My best guess would be:
File size management/optimization
Better interoperability with max/viz (File linking) i don't think viz render will be included in release 6 (maybe in the future releases)
Lofting Feature
Improved drawing capabilities by adopting some of autocad's features
etc., etc
What would be your guess?
2003-10-09, 03:08 PM
Here in the UK Autodesk tell me it's December 16th.
2003-10-09, 03:11 PM
wow, an actual date, that's unusual...
I predict that r6 will be more AutoCAD like, finally! :twisted:
"Don't worry, sir, I'll fall on that hand grenade for you!"
Wes Macaulay
2003-10-09, 03:47 PM
I have been hearing a lot of rumors about Version 6, as well as the fact that it is going to fix a lot of the problems that we have been encountering on our particular project.
Little stuff, like columns not showing up on RCPs, custom structural families not showing up on floor plans, mullions disappearing on know LITTLE stuff. :? :shock: :x
What is the projected release date?
If those are structural column families, use regular columns or generic models instead - also do that for your custom structure, too. As for mullions disappearing - is that during printing, or just on your screen?
2003-10-09, 04:24 PM
Aside from those small stuff fixes what would be your expectations in terms of new features/enhancements?
My best guess would be:
File size management/optimization
Better interoperability with max/viz (File linking) i don't think viz render will be included in release 6 (maybe in the future releases)
Lofting Feature
Improved drawing capabilities by adopting some of autocad's features
etc., etc
What would be your guess?
I am certain that the sructural tools will be enhanced. Expect some sort of framing functionality, though I think it may be a few releases until it becomes fully-baked.
Chad Smith
2003-10-09, 09:42 PM
I predict that r6 will be more AutoCAD like, finally! :twisted:
I hope so. Even if the toolbars and dialogue boxes aren't the same, I would like to see the actual drawing space improved.
The AutoCAD drawing space is very snappy. But when I moved to Revit I found the drawing space to be very sloppy and lagged, and yes, I do have a very fast PC with 128MB video card.
The Revit interface just can't keep up with my mouse movements. 8)
As for the rest of the interface, it looks like a children's painting program.
2003-10-09, 10:44 PM
I agree with the sluggishness...hopefully that will get better.
I have no gripes with the interface....very clean and simple is good.
Now I definitely would like to see less of the view properties/visibility graphics dialogue boxes.
Richard McCarthy
2003-10-11, 07:22 AM
I don't know why you get sluggishness.. over here.. no sluggishness at all... it used to be like that.. and I attributed it to something I discover, which is that if you have non-90 degree walls and features, Revit will keep on computing.. trying to figure out which wall it is mostly align to.. (feature prediction and temporary alignment) and that probably attributed to the sluggishness. That's just my guess. I have tested it on a several files (very simple one) and it seems to comfirm that.
But over all, I think Revit is fine the way it is ;)... just need to fix up some little problems, and also add in couple of features for model (like lofting, bi-rail, polygon tools, road tools, oh. list goes on.. and on... :))
Martin P
2003-10-11, 10:17 AM
wow, an actual date, that's unusual...
I predict that r6 will be more AutoCAD like, finally! :twisted:
"Don't worry, sir, I'll fall on that hand grenade for you!"
8) hopefully - be nice to feel right at home again.... :wink:
Martin P
2003-10-11, 10:19 AM
I have been hearing a lot of rumors about Version 6, as well as the fact that it is going to fix a lot of the problems that we have been encountering on our particular project.
Little stuff, like columns not showing up on RCPs, custom structural families not showing up on floor plans, mullions disappearing on know LITTLE stuff. :? :shock: :x
What is the projected release date?
Finger, can I ask, have you lost a finger? the avatar name kind of hint at it....
2003-10-11, 10:50 AM
I don't know why you get sluggishness..
I don't have sluggish performance overall. If you compare drawing a line, (response to command times) in AutoCAD and in Revit, there is no comparison, AutoCAD wins. Would I trade one piece of Revit for that? NO.
I do wish for that fast, snappy response when selecting, moving etc. I understand that when I move a desk I'm not only moving it in plan but in every other view throughout my project and that is beautiful. That combined with AutoCAD response to actions would be DYNOoooMITE!
Let me clarify my earlier statement, SARCASM...I no sooner would cut off my arm than really want Revit to look and behave like AutoCAD, sorry, that's my story an Imastickintoit.
Let me clarify my earlier statement, SARCASM...I no sooner would cut off my arm than really want Revit to look and behave like AutoCAD, sorry, that's my story an Imastickintoit.
I agree, AutoCAD was fast for drawing lines, and I still use it for that sometimes, but Revit is nice the way it is. It is clean and doens't require tons of management or customization. As you noted if you draw one item and it is a little slower who cares? You only have to draw it once. I am always amazed to model a project and the go to my sections and elevations - THEY ARE ALREADY DONE! It is a wierd feeling to look at a sheet and realize how many lines I DIDN'T draw. I really haven't had any speed problems. For those who do perhaps you upgrade your hardware?
2003-10-12, 05:22 PM
I really haven't had any speed problems. For those who do perhaps you upgrade your hardware?
I'm curious. What size projects are you guys working on? Our central file size is 35MB, and our sluggishness stems from view regen times and saves. A save to central can take as long as five minutes and a local save almost as long. Add that to 10 seconds to regen the screen every time you zoom or change views and productivity seems to go out the window. We're not using the absolute fastest hardware out there, but certainly not slow (Pentium 4 2.4Ghz w/ 1Gb RAM). I think enhancement to speed in these two areas would be great. :lol: Maybe taking more advantage of the graphics card would help alleviate some of the sluggishness.
All in all, though, I'm pleased with the interface of Revit. However, I think some AutoCAD like features such as the left/right selection window and selection that will only add to existing selection set to avoid deselection of elements would be nice enhancements. There's no need to reinvent the wheel.
2003-10-12, 07:03 PM
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember that these delays you're experiencing can be traced back to the network you are running on. In these situations, the network is your speed-bump, not Revit. If you want faster responses for these, you'll need a faster network.
2003-10-12, 09:17 PM
I see the "sluggish" behavior regardless of local or network, besides our network was 100BaseT and is now you can't get much faster on that end. Scott Brown, who's firm has top notch hardware, has commented on similar issues regarding saving to central.
A network can certainly contribute to performance issues. If you see no issues with a local copy but do with a network based project then some investigation into the network is warranted.
It boils down to how much data, what kind of data (like compound walls with integral sweeps for one). I don't notice it much anymore but work with AutoCAD 2004 for a little while and go back...the speed difference for basic functions is not subtle it is obvious.
The Revit team is well aware of performance issues and the importance of improvements. Each release has improved so I can reasonably expect the same of the next.
Chad Smith
2003-10-12, 09:20 PM
As you noted if you draw one item and it is a little slower who cares? You only have to draw it once.?
Wow, how do you draw a building with 1 line. :wink:
If you multiply the time to place each object on the drawing by the 1000's of commands each day it starts adding up.
I still get comments from upper management, "Why is it so slow, didn't we just upgrade your PC."
2003-10-12, 09:26 PM
Just tell them its drawing all the elevations, sections, rcps, and schedules at the same time.
Henry D
2003-10-12, 09:54 PM
Another experience: I am working on a 35MB file and it isn't take more than 20-30 secs to save to central. I am a single user so I am not saving through a network - I am using a P4 3.06Ghz with 1GB of Ram.
2003-10-13, 12:03 AM
I see. Sorry. It seems I wasn't understanding. See, when I'm working on my personal machine (with a local file), my speeds are noticably faster than they are at work (with a network based file - 100Mb network). Even when I'm dealing with the same file. I simply assumed that Henry was experienced the same situation.
2003-10-13, 12:39 AM
No need for are correct that a network situation could contribute. Some using 10bT will definitely not be happy, but they probably wouldn't be thrilled with any cadd app on that either. I'm just saying that "sluggish" can be experienced even on "hot" boxes too. It has a lot to do with the model itself. I frequently saveas to reduce project size, ever notice how much smaller a project can get when you do? overanout
2003-10-13, 02:47 AM
I copy that, I also am a single user, and as my projects grow
in complexity, my speeds go out the window.
In truth, Revit is slow, and I am not going to get codependant with it, or about it, just because I use it. Thats the way it is.
I'm betting the crew is working on it.
They did a fantastic job integrating compression routines into
ADT 2004.
Now it's Revit's turn
2003-10-13, 11:29 PM
The AutoCAD 2004 speed with compression issue is another "can of worms" entirely. I teach at a Community College in Iowa (Des Moines Area Community College) where we are a 100% Autodesk shop. A co-worker of mine has done some testing and has actually found that if you take a 10MB AutoCAD file and open it and save it in 2004, it turns to about 3MB. We've actually found that the 10MB 2002 file operates noticably faster in 2002 than the 3MB 2004 file operates in 2004.
You all (or Autodesk) may disagree, but this is from direct testing.
Interesting, isn't it?
Vincent Valentijn
2003-10-14, 08:11 AM
All that talk about speed...
Though it's not unimportant I'd vote for so many other things before speed... I'd rather have a new Revit that works a lot better (all those 'little things' add up to being quite annoying at some times) and some improved functionality.. or rather a lot.. would do just fine too.
I'll just go get myself a faster machine again if needed :wink: or at least persuade my boss I need one :roll: - once again. I can still hear him say "what do you mean by -my super-expensive videocard can give me perfect 3DSMAX but Revit's still sluggish-? :evil: " It's kinda hard to explain...
2003-10-14, 04:03 PM
Revit performance is a very strange issue, one that I have yet to understand.
Like Steve said we got almost the best hardware we could find and still have small 10,000sf office buildings that are almost too slow to actually work on. this is a bug, at first we thought it was due to integral wall sweeps, so as a test I removed all the sweeps, that didn't fix it? So we thought it was locks(which do drastically diminish performance) so I deleted all a locks and ref. no improvement. basically that file is just slow, revit gives no reason, just it will be better in 6.0
Now we have our large 90mb worksets project and you can work on it just fine the walls move like they should, very little regen time. No rhyme or reason to why one file works well and another works like moooolasssshishhh. (now saves are a diff story, they are quick on the first example, slow on the second)
Next performance issue is with dwg's, this is awful, creating details can sometimes be so slow to draw a line that you really get ******. This is top on my list of performance fixes. you need dumb lines that don't search every other line for references.
Just forget about trying to use a dwg detail of a pella window frame in a detail component and explode it. You'll see your retirement come before it figures out what to do with all the little pieces of arc.
Any view with a linked dwg will be very slow regardless of your processor or ram.
As you all know civil drawings are usually huge and revit just can't handle them so you need to modify them in some way to make them workable.
I usually make a workset that is not visibly by default for ALL dwg imports, this will save countless hours of regen time through the life of a project.
As far as performance goes it think my list is
1. dwg imports/exploded details to work(theres so much I could go into with problems with dwg.)
2. minimize referencing or allow a button to remove all ref. on an object so you can move it(note I am aware of move disjoin and this doesn't work in many of the situations we've experienced.)
3. locking in design intent. This was a "sales feature" of revit, however if you really use it beware you will suffer performance hits for each locked dimension or aligned and locked wall. And you will have a very hard time finding what other objects get associated with those locked items.
2003-10-14, 04:25 PM
Here is a tip for reducing save time with worksets, save your local file on your local machine and then those saves will be much quicker, the central file saves will still be slow.
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